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Department of Health Economics (DHE)

»15 Nov 2024, Judit SIMON presents at the 17th European Public Health (EPH) Conference; Lisbon; 2024 Nov 13-15.

For further details see: Simon J. Health economics and services research in symbiosis: STREAMLINEing mental health services in Austria. 17th European Public Health Conference 2024. Sailing the waves of European public health: exploring a sea of innovation; 2024 Nov 15-17; Lisbon (poster)

»3 Dec 2024, PriMHE - Programme in the Methods of Health Economics

For more information on the next PriMHE-event please follow: PriMHE leaflet 3 December 2024

»8 Nov 2024, Paper on barriers and facilitators experienced by long COVID-19 patients in Austria published in the International Journal for Equity in Health

For further details see: Gamillscheg P, Laszewska A, Kirchner S, Hoffmann K, Simon J & Mayer S. Barriers and facilitators of healthcare access for long COVID-19 patients in a universal healthcare system: qualitative evidence from Austria. Int J Equity Health. 2024 Oct 23;23(1):220. DOI: 10.1186/s12939-024-02302-4

»13 Sep 2024, Paper investigating waiting times for elective surgeries and potential determinants in the Austrian healthcare system published in Public Health

For further details see: Kraus M, Stacherl B, Czypionka T, Mayer S. Equal waiting times for all? Empirical evidence for elective surgeries in the Austrian public healthcare system. Public Health. 2024 Nov;236:216-223. DOI:

»26 Aug 2024, Calling for papers - BJPsych Open

BJPsych Open is calling for papers for a new themed series in 2024/25 related to Mental Health Economics with Judit Simon as Editor. Closing date for submissions is 31 March 2025. Find out more at BJPsych Open Call for Papers Mental Health Economics (

»18 Jun 2024, Members of the DHE team give oral presentations at the EuHEA 2024 Conference

Members of the DHE team give oral presentations at the EuHEA 2024 conference. Vienna; 2024 Jul 1-3

1 July 2024, 13.15-14.45:
Susanne Mayer:
Unearthing the divide: Historical development of socioeconomic inequalities in lifespan in Vorarlberg, Austria (1961 – 1981).

Claudia Fisher: A systematic review of the methodological aspects of applied economic evaluations in the palliative and end-of-life care settings.

Richard Felsinger: Ageing well? Exploring self-reported quality of life in the older Austrian population

1 July 2024, 15.00-16.30:
Laszewska A:
Optimising the impact assessment of inpatient rehabilitation care for mental disorders on health outcomes.

Peter Gamillscheg: "Finding a GP in the public sector taking long COVID seriously is like playing the lottery”: A qualitative study on access barriers and facilitators to healthcare for long COVID-19 patients in Austria.

2 July 2024, 15.00-16.30:
Michael Berger:
Suburban Blues: Urbanicity, healthcare service mix, and spatial patterns in hospital admissions for depression in Austria.

Dennis Wienand: Hospital care costs associated with excess physical health burden of serious mental health disorders in 32 European countries.

2 July 2024, 17.00-18.30:
Elisabeth Saly:
Validity of the German ICECAP-SCM capability wellbeing measure assessed in specialized palliative care wards in Austria.

3 July 2024, 8.30-10.00:
Thomas Resch:
Towards a theory of everything? Considering beliefs, attitudes, preferences, behaviours, and norms of pandemic prevention among health risk groups and the public with panel data evidence.

»25 Jun 2024, Paper investigating associations between information sources, sociodemographics, and views on public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic published in BMC Public Health
Gamillscheg P, Mayer S, Pietrzak-Franger M, Hilmar C, Lange A, Simon J, et al. Understanding the associations between information sources,sociodemographics, and views on public health measures: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria. BMC Public Health. 2024 Jun 12;24(1):1576. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-19061-0

»6 Jun 2024, DHE Unit Cost Online Database, a comprehensive collection of cost data extracted from Austrian costing studies, now updated and covering the years 2004-2024.

For further information and download click here.

»30 Apr 2024, First comprehensive estimation of the comorbid physical health burden of serious mental health disorders in Europe led by the DHE is now published in the journal BMJ Mental Health

For further details see

»30 Apr 2024, The OxCAP-MH is now also available in Juba Arabic and has been used to measure South Sudanese refugees’ capabilities in Uganda

For further details see

»29 Apr 2024, Incidence of inadequate response to antidepressants in the primary care of depression - new paper co-authored by the DHE is now published in the journal Eur Neuropsychopharmacol.

Abrahams AB, Beckenstrom AC, Browning M, Dias R, Goodwin GM, Gorwood P, et al. Exploring the incidence of inadequate response to antidepressants in the primary care of depression. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2024 Jun;83:61-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2024.04.005

»4 Apr 2024, Veronika Fialka-Moser Diversity Prize 2024

Pia Rottjakob was awarded the Veronika Fialka-Moser Diversity Prize (second place) for her Master's thesis "The Relationship between Reproductive Health Behavior, Reproductive Health Knowledge and Health Literacy among Women in Vienna", written as part of the Master of Public Health program and supervised by Judit Simon and Agata Laszewska from the Department of Health Economics.

We congratulate all recipients of the award!

More details can be found under this link.

»18 March 2024, Assessing the Value of Mental Health Treatments for Youth in Europe (EPA 2024 Symposium)

Judit Simon is invited speaker at the forthcoming EPA 2024 symposium ‘Assessing the Value of Mental Health Treatments for Youth in Europe’ hosted by the European Brain Council. For further details, see

»26 Feb 2024, Three databases developed at the DHE published on the BMBWF-website

Three databases developed at the DHE were published on the website of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF), Forschungsinfrastruktur-Datenbank Österreich:

»8 Feb 2024, New discussion paper about the "Future of health promotion education and research" in Austria is out

A new discussion paper about the ‚Future of health promotion education and research‘ in Austria commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) and developed by the Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG) has been published. Judit Simon acted as one of the expert advisors to the report.

»8 Feb 2024, Judit Simon becomes Co-chair of the UK Faculty of Public (FPH) Europe Special Interest Group

Judit Simon, Professor of Health Economics and Deputy Head of the Center for Public Health at the MedUni Vienna, and Fellow through Distinction of the UK Faculty of Public Health (FPH) has joined the FPH’s Global Health Committee as Co-chair of the Europe Special Interest Group. The EU SIG has been established to strengthen the Faculty’s capacity in health advocacy at the European Union level, and to collaborate on the development of competence-based public health education and training across Europe.

»5 Feb 2024, (Long) Covid & Society podcast published as part of the Post Covid-19 Care project

The Post Covid-19 Care project team published two episodes as part of a joint podcast with the University of Vienna’s Medical Humanities team. The podcast forms part of the interuniversity cluster project “Post Covid-19 Care” between the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna. It aims to facilitate conversations and engage in dialogues about the multifaceted concept of ‘care’ and socioeconomic dimensions, within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, and specifically Long Covid. The health economics episodes feature the Professor of Primary Care Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, Dr. Kathryn Hoffmann, and a research team from the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Dr. Markus Kraus, Dr. Monika Riedel, and Mag. Miriam Reiss.

The "(Long) Covid & Society" podcast episodes can be found HERE.

»7 Dec 2023, Timea Helter has been awarded the “Award of Excellence” by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

(DE) Timea Helter PhD MRes MMSc wurde für ihre Dissertation „Capability-Framework zur Messung und Bewertung von Outcomes in ökonomischen Evaluationen psychischer Gesundheit – Die Verwendung des Oxford Capability-Fragebogens für psychische Gesundheit (OxCAP-MH)“, die sie an der Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie im Rahmen des Doktorandenprogramms Public Health durchgeführt hat, mit dem Staatspreis „Award of Excellence“ vom Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung ausgezeichnet. Der Preis „Award of Excellence“ fördert den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, indem die besten Doktoranden eines jeden Studienjahres geehrt werden. Die offizielle Preisverleihung fand am 7. Dezember 2023 statt.

(ENG) Dr Timea Helter has been awarded the “Award of Excellence” by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research for her PhD dissertation “Capability approach for the measurement and valuation of outcomes in mental health economic evaluations – The use of the Oxford Capability questionnaire - Mental Health (OxCAP-MH)”, which she conducted at the Department of Health Economics within the Doctoral Programme Public Health. The “Award of Excellence” prize promotes the next generation of academics, by honoring the best doctoral graduates of each academic year. The official award ceremony took place on 7 December 2023.

»22 Nov 2023, Next PriMHE - Programme in the Methods of Health Economics on 25 January 2024
"Tele- and Digital Health for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders: The US Experience" - Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alisa Busch (Harvard Medical School)
For more information click here.

»5 Feb 2024, Memories from the DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; Vienna; 2023 Sep 25
We were delighted to welcome attendees and celebrate together the DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium on the 25 September in Vienna. Thank you all for coming! For photos from the event, click HERE. (Copyright: feelimage / Matern)

»6 Nov 2023, Judit Simon is elected Visiting Scholar at Merton College, University of Oxford, UK.

Judit Simon is elected Visiting Scholar at Merton College, University of Oxford, UK. The Visiting Research Fellowships programme of Merton “brings leading academics into the College community each term; as well as the presence of Visiting Scholars who stay in College whilst collaborating with Fellows”.

»24 Oct 2023, Members of the DHE team will presented at the 16th European Public Health (EPH) Conference; Dublin; 2023 Nov 8-11

Wienand D.: Excess physical disease burden associated with selected mental health disorders in Europe (oral)
Berger M.: Suburban Blues: Urbanicity, healthcare service mix and spatial patterns of admissions for depression (poster)
Felsinger R.: Ageing Well? Exploring Self-Reported Quality of Life in the Older Austrian Population (poster)
Heilig D.: Health economic analysis of inpatient prostate cancer treatment in Austrian hospitals (poster)

»2 Oct 2023, The DHE Short Course -Introduction to health economic evaluation and evidence synthesis- takes place between 16-19 Oct 2023; online

»2 Oct 2023, Michael Berger gave an interview to "Christophorus Magazin" about the air ambulance service classification from a health economics perspective.

Michael Berger gave an intrview on the occasion of the 40th anniversary celebrations of the ÖAMTC air ambulance service about its classification from a health economics perspective.
Click here for the interview "Wertsache" in the "Christophorus Magazin".

»2 Oct 2023, Judit Simon gave an invited talk at the 23rd WPA World Congress of Psychiatry in Vienna

Simon J. Latest methodological developements in the value assessment of mental health care. 23rd WPA World Congress of Psychiatry; 2023 Sep 28 - Oct 1; Vienna (invited talk)

»12 Oct 2023, Agata Laszewska presented at the HDCA Conference: Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times

Laszewska A. How far country-specific context influences different capability domains in a vulnerable mental health population? Comparison between Hungary and the Austrian federal state of Carinthia. HDCA Conference. Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times; online and Sofia, Bulgaria (hybrid); 2023 Sep 11-13 (oral)

»28 Aug 2023, Research project led by Susanne Mayer funded by the State Government of Vorarlberg

Research project led by Susanne Mayer drawing on historical obituary data to explore socioeconomic heterogeneities in lifespan funded by the State Government of Vorarlberg.

The State Government of Vorarlberg will financially support the research project “Exploring the magnitude and historical development of socioeconomic heterogeneities in lifespan in Vorarlberg”, a research project initiated by Susanne Mayer with Moritz Oberndorfer and Michael Berger drawing on newspaper obituaries as an innovative, yet underused data source in population health research.

»21 Jun 2023, LBI:AD (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Applied Diagnostics) Closing Event

After seven exciting and productive years, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Applied Diagnostics will cease to exist by the end of June 2023. Prof. Simon as Head of the Health Economics program line took part at the Closing Event on the 12th of June 2023 in Vienna.

»19 Jul 2023, “The Doctorate Public Health attracts a lot of interest and offers many benefits" - an interview with Judit Simon in MedUnique people

Judit Simon’s interview on “The Doctorate Public Health attracts a lot of interest and offers many benefits” was published in MedUnique people, issue 02/2023, page 12

MedUnique people, issue 02/2023

»14 Jul 2023, STREAMLINE Advisory Board (SAB) Kick-off meeting

STREAMLINE is one of eight WWTF-funded public health projects that runs between 01.04.2023 and 30.06.2023. The aim of the project is to facilitate future optimised and better integrated service provision, financing and evaluation for people with mental health diseases in Vienna. A multi-disciplinary research team from the Department of Health Economics, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna (lead), Austrian Public Health Institute, Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment and University of Loyola (Spain) will look at the availability, activity and affordability of existing treatment, care and support services for children, youth and adults in the health and social care sectors, in the education, employment and justice systems and those for patients and their carers locally. Following standardised mapping and reference unit cost development for the identified services, evidence-informed policy recommendations for future planning and reimbursement will be drawn. STREAMLINE is supported by a large multi-stakeholder Advisory Board including providers, payers, decision makers and persons with lived experiences either as patients or carers. The SAB Kick-off meeting took place on the 13 June with a focus on presenting the background, aims and work plan of the project.

For further information on the project STREMALINE go to or visit

»12 Jun 2023, Peter Gamillscheg was awarded the 2nd place at the Early Career Researcher Award by the ÖGPH

Peter Gamillscheg was awarded the 2nd place at the Early Career Researcher Award by the ÖGPH (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health) on 26 May 2023 for his presentation „Drowning in information? Covid-19 information seeking behaviour and socioeconomic status during the first lockdown in Austria”.

»4 May 2023, Peter Gamillscheg presented at the "26. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der ÖGPH" in St. Pölten

Gamillscheg P. Drowning in information? Covid-19 information seeking behaviour and socioeconomic status during the first lockdown in Austria. 26. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der ÖGPH; St. Pölten; 2023 Mai 25-26 (oral)

»3 Apr 2023, Dennis Wienand presented at the Sixteenth Workshop of Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry; Venice; 2023 Mar 24-26

Wienand D. Estimating the excess non-mental health hospital care costs associated with excess physical comorbidity burden of selected mental health disorders in Europe. Sixteenth Workshop of Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry - "Mental Health Outcomes, Services, Economics, Policy Research"; Venice; 2023 Mar 24-26 (oral)

»15 Mar 2023, Pre-doc Scientist in Health Economics (f/m/d)

The Department of Health Economics (DHE) is looking for a pre-doc scientist (f/m/d) to contribute to the WWTF-funded project “STREAMLINE” (Establishing a Reference Unit Costs catalogue for the optimized evaluation and planning of mental healthcare in Vienna).

Deadline for applications: 05 April 2023
For more information visit: DHE Jobs

»15 Mar 2023, Pre-doc Scientist in Health Economics (f/m/d)

The Department of Health Economics (DHE) is looking for a pre-doc scientist (f/m/d) to contribute to the WWTF-funded project “STREAMLINE” (Establishing a Reference Unit Costs catalogue for the optimized evaluation and planning of mental healthcare in Vienna).

Deadline for applications: 05 April 2023
For more information visit: DHE Jobs

»21 Feb 2023, DHE team members presented at the 7th ATHEA Conference; Vienna; 2023 Feb 23-24

Berger M.: "Suburban Blues: A spatial exploration of regional variation in admission rates for depressive episodes in Austria"

Heilig D.: "Health economic analysis of prostate cancer treatment pathways using national-level Austrian hospital administrative data"

Laszewska A.: "Are existing patient-reported outcome measures suitable for broader quality of life assessment in health care evaluations?"

Mayer S.: "Equal in ashes? Association between socioeconomic position and life span based on data collected from published obituaries in Vorarlberg (Austria)"

Wienand D.: "Estimating the public health impact of excess physical health conditions potentially associated with mental health disorders in Europe: Population-level extrapolation of existing epidemiological evidence"

»7 Feb 2023, Next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture: 21 March 2023, 12:00-13:00, virtual

Process evaluations in complex social and health interventions
Speaker: Dr Yulia Shenderovich (Senior Scientiest at Cardiff University in Wales, UK)

PriMHE leaflet & invitation 21 03 2023

»25 Nov 2022, Claudia Fischer is guest editor of the Special Series in Annals of Palliative Medicine

Claudia Fischer is guest editor of the Special Series in Annals of Palliative Medicine on “The Value of Palliative Care".

»25 Oct 2022, Judit Simon presented at 15th European Public Health (EPH) Conference 2022; Berlin; 2022 Nov 9-12

4.G. - Workshop: Economic evaluations of public health interventions: from case studies to next methodological steps

Simon J.: Methodological advancements in costing methods for (public) health economic evaluations: results from the European PECUNIA project.

Link to the conference EPH 2022.

»10 Oct 2022, Members of the DHE team present at ISPOR Europe 2022; Vienna; 2022 Nov 6-9

Elisabeth Saly: A systematic review of the methodological aspects of applied economic evaluations in the palliative and end-of-life care settings (poster)

Judit Simon: Integrating digital health care – How can patient reported outcomes data link up? (invited talk)

Dennis Wienand: Estimating hospital care costs associated with excess physical comorbidities in patients with mental health disorders in Europe (poster)

Link to the conference ISPOR Europe 2022.

»7 Oct 2022, Judit Simon expert advisor to the new Economist Impact report

Judit Simon expert advisor to the new Economist Impact report on 'Depression in Europe'
Read more.
Link to the report 'Depression in Europe'

»4 Oct 2022, Join us at the 35th ECNP Congress (15–18 Oct 2022; Vienna/online)

We are happy to be part of the 35th ECNP Congress (15-18 October 2022). Join our sessions on
‘ CA13 – The value of early intervention and continuity of care for mental disorders ’  - Monday, October 17th, 11:15 – 12:00 (CET)
‘ CA16 - The physical comorbidity cost of mental health disorders’ – Monday, October 17th, 13:20 – 14:05 (CET)
You can find more info and register via

»7 Sep 2022, Prof Simon holds an invited talk to the ISPOR Student Chapter on PECUNIA

Prof Simon holds an invited talk to the ISPOR Student Chapter titled “New International Framework for Assessing the Costs and Outcomes of Mental Health Related Care: The European PECUNIA Project (2018-2021)”
The PECUNIA project aims to establish standardized costing and outcome assessment measures for optimized national healthcare provision in the European Union. During the session, Prof. Dr. Judit Simon from Medical University of Vienna will give a talk about the tools and instruments developed within PECUNIA.
Please use the following zoom link to join the session:

»31 Aug 2022, Prof Simon holds an invited talk at the lecture series "Cheese&Crackers" with the title "Introduction to the value assessment of new health technologies"

Thursday, 22th September 2022, 15:00, hybrid event in NucMed library 3L (Medical University Vienna) and online (Webex)

With the lecture series "Cheese&Crackers", the Department of Nuclear Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna promotes scientific discussion, collaboration and interaction with internal and external partners through regular scientific lectures by eminent researchers from Austria and abroad.

Prof Simon holds an invited talk on health economics at the next seminar.

Click here for more information and the seminar programme.

 You can find the Webex link here.

»9 Aug 2022, Economics of Palliative & End-of-Life Care SIG, July Update

Claudia Fischer's presentation at the EuHEA conference in Oslo; 2022 Jul 5-8

Dr. Claudia Fischer presented first results of the EU-funded project iLIVE – a systematic review on methodological aspects regarding conducting economic evaluations in the palliative and end-of-life-care settings.

“Our findings indicate that there are still multiple methodological challenges to tackle to ensure valid cost-effectiveness analyses in the palliative and end-of-life settings”, said the first author of the paper, Dr. Claudia Fischer.

Link to the July Update of Economics of Palliative & End-of-Life Care SIG

»27 Jun 2022, ASPHER statement is out.

How are inequalities in health from Long COVID being exacerbated and what are the strategic implications for more equitable support for those with enduring clinical sequelae of infection?

Beccia F, Davidovitch N, McCallum A, Simon J, Reid J. How are inequalities in health from Long COVID being exacerbated and what are the strategic implications for more equitable support for those with enduring clinical sequelae of infection? ASPHER Statement. 2022 Jun.

»20 Jun 2022, Dennis Wienand has received a prize for the best presentation at the ASPHER Young Researcher’s Forum in Bled (Slovenia)

The DHE is pleased to share that Dennis Wienand’s presentation entitled "Estimating the public health impact of excess physical comorbidities associated with mental health disorders in Europe: structured review, meta-analysis and population-level extrapolation of existing epidemiological evidence" has been selected as best presentation delivered at the ASPHER Young Researcher’s Forum 2022 in Bled, Slovenia.

»7 Jun 2022, DHE team members gave oral presentations at EUHEA Conference.

Oslo; 2022 Jul 5-8

Berger M. "Devil in the details: The influence of urgency and price on the effects of cost-sharing on healthcare service consumption patterns."

Berger M. "Exploring regional variations in hospital admission rates for depressive episodes in Austria."

Fischer C. "Methodological aspects of economic evaluations conducted in the palliative and end-of-life-care settings: a systematic review."

Simon J. " How far is it feasible to harmonize costing methods for economic evaluations in Europe? Lessons learned from the PECUNIA project."

Simon J. "The excess resource use and costs of physical comorbidities in patients with mental health disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis."

Link to the presentation abstracts.

»7 Jun 2022, Judit Simon presents relevant lessons learned from the H2020 PECUNIA project at "HTA in Austria Update Symposium und Generalversammlung"

Monday, 20th June 2022, 10:00-12:00, virtual

Prof Simon: “How far is it feasible to harmonize costing methods for economic evaluations in Europe? Lessons learned from the H2020 PECUNIA project”

»20 May 2022, Economic perspective and recommendations regarding the value of treatment for mental health disorders

Judit Simon presents “VOT: economic perspective and recommendations” at the 30th European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2022) as part of the EBC VoT symposium "Early detection and continuity of care, a joint value of treatment study on anorexia nervosa, autism and depression in Europe".

For more information click here.

»19 May 2022, Dennis Wienand presents at the ASPHER Young Researchers’ Forum in Bled (SLO), 9 Jun 2022

Dennis Wienand will give an oral presentation entitled "Estimating the public health impact of excess physical comorbidities associated with mental health disorders in Europe: structured review, meta-analysis and population-level extrapolation of existing epidemiological evidence".

»28 Apr 2022, Interdisciplinary research project jointly led by scientists of UniWien and the DHE/MU

For further information, see

»25 Apr 2022, DHE team members guest-editing Special Issue on “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare: Methodological Advances and Practical Applications from a Societal Perspective” (JERPH)

Special issue of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Special issue information: Rising healthcare costs go hand in hand with an increasing need for economic evaluations—for instance, cost-effectiveness analyses in the field of public health. However, adopting a broad societal perspective to cover all relevant costs from multiple sectors affected by the spillover effects of healthcare interventions remains a methodological and practical challenge to this day despite its growing popularity and application. This Special Issue calls for studies advancing the methodological foundation of economic evaluations conducted from a societal viewpoint. This includes theoretical contributions as well as applied examples of rigorously conducted cost-effectiveness analyses covering consequences beyond costs in the health and social care sectors. For this Special Issue, papers including systematic literature reviews addressing these topics are invited, especially those combining novel methods contributing to capturing the consequences of healthcare interventions in a wide variety of sectors. This collection of articles will contribute to the health economic literature by broadening the evidence base from economic evaluations to make optimal societal decisions and by providing insights into the practical aspects of conducting economic evaluations from a societal perspective.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2023.

Dr. Susanne Mayer
Dr. Michael Berger
Dr. Ghislaine Van Mastrigt
Guest Editors
Further information:

»11 Apr 2022, Next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture: 17 May 2022, 12:00-13:00, virtual

Understanding the effects of payment for performance on health systems in low-and-middle income countries - a reflection on empirical findings and research methods
Speaker: Dr Josephine Borghi (Professor in Health Economics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

PriMHE leaflet & invitation 17 05 2022

»11 Apr 2022, Prof Simon held an invited talk at the ASMM 2022

Austrian Swiss Metabolic Meeting. „New technologies, new treatments, new challenges." 7-8 Apr 2022

»1 Apr 2022, The iHEA webinar on the European PECUNIA project is now available online

Prof Simon presented the PECUNIA Project at the iHEA Webinar organized by Mental Health Economics SIG. Watch here.

»1 Apr 2022, The DHE team presented at the Fifthteenth Workshop of Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry - "Mental Health Services, Economics, Policy Research" in Venice

25-27 Mar 2022, See more information here.

»28 Mar 2022, TODAY -29.03.2022, 16:30-20:00

ÖAW+CSR-Circle Worskshop über nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele: Judit Simon, als Expertin, diskutiert SGD 3 Gesundheit und Wohlergehen

»28 Mar 2022, The DHE team present at the EUHEA conference in Oslo, 5-8 July 2022

Michael Berger, Claudia Fischer and Judit Simon will give oral presentations at the EUHEA conference in Oslo in July 2022.

»15 Mar 2022, #Together4MentalHealth - Brain Awareness Week 2022

Today, the Value of Treatment project on mental disorders releases summaries of case study results and call to action on the occasion of Brain Awareness Week 2022 - Thematic: #Together4MentalHealth with a focus on youth.
Live on the website now:

Prof Simon has supported the project as health economics adviser.

»9 Mar 2022, PECUNIA Project iHEA Webinar (21 March 2022, 9 am ET/ 1 pm GMT/2 pm CET), Zoom

Prof Simon is presenting the PECUNIA Project at the iHEA Webinar organized by Mental Health Economics SIG.

Title: New International Framework for Assessing the Costs and Outcomes of Mental Health Related Care: The European PECUNIA Project (2018-2021)
Link to the registration. Linkt to the project.

»21 Feb 2022, 2nd ASPHER statement on COVID-19 related inequalities co-authored by Judit Simon is out.

2nd ASPHER statement on COVID-19 related inequalities co-authored by Judit Simon is out. It focuses on the concerns about the multiple dimensions of the pandemic’s inequalities and the anticipated enduring impacts over at least the next ten years.

Link to the publication.

»21 Feb 2022, The ASPHER Newsletter January-February 2022 is out

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) is pleased to bring you the first newsletter of the year, which will introduce you to the ambitious ASPHER 2022 work plan, as well as exciting big developments with the launch of the WHO-ASPHER Professionalization Roadmap and ASPHER Partnership in the 2023 World Congress on Public Health.

Link to the Newsletter

»28 Jan 2022, 15th Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry - "Mental Health Services, Economics, Policy Research"; Venice (25-27 March 2022)

Members of the DHE team (Judit Simon, Michael Berger, Timea Helter, Dennis Wienand) present at the 15th Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry.

»15 Dec 2021,The iLIVE Project has launched a new website

Coinciding with International Volunteer Day, The "iLIVE Project - live well, die well" the international research project on best care for people with advanced and terminal illnesses has launched a new website for citizen participation on the 5th of December 2021.

new iLIVE website:

Please find more information on the iLIVE project link and in the MUV News "Internationales iLIVE-PROJEKT erforscht Palliativ-Versorgung in Europa. Neue Webseite ermuntert BürgerInnen zur direkten Beteiligung mittels Umfragen".

»15 Dec 2021, Prof Simon was interviewed by the chilean newspaper La Tercera regarding the latest COVID situation in Europe.

Her contribution was published in the article "Antivacunas: La ola de los no inmunizados pone en jaque a Europa".

»15 Nov 2021, The 11th International Seminar of the European Palliative Care Research Centre; virtual (2-3 Dec 2021)

Next generation palliative care research: Integration and implementation.

Claudia Fischer presents at "The Seminar of the European Palliative Care Research Centre" on 3rd Dec 2021.

»11 Nov 2021, Presentation of the 2021 Corvinus University Awards

Prof Simon has been awarded by the senate of Corvinus University, Budapest (Hungary) in 2021
Prof Simon has been awarded the title of Honorary University Professor by the Senate of Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary for her ongoing collaborative work at the Department of Health Economics, Institute of Economics and Public Policy.

»9 Nov 2021, 14th European Public Health Conference 2021 - "Public health futures in a changing world"; virtual (10-12 Nov 2021)

Prof Simon chaired the session "Reflection on the topic" at the pre-conference 'Developments in Economic Evaluation in Healthcare' of the 14th EPH Conference on 10th Nov 2021.

»9 Nov 2021, Next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture: 09 November 2021, 12:00-13:00, virtual

"Estimating the monetary value of informal care provided to people living with dementia using a discrete-choice experiment" - Speaker: Dr Lidia Engel, Deakin Health Economics, Institute for Health Transformation (Melbourne/Australia)

For more information please click here:

PriMHE 2021_11_09_Leaflet

»4 Nov 2021, 7. Interprofessioneller Fachtag Palliative Care; Haus der Ingenieure, Eschenbachgasse

Claudia Fischer presents at the 7. Interprofessioneller Fachtag Palliative Care in Vienna on the 5 Nov 2021.

»4 Nov 2021, Next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture: 09 November 2021, 12:00-13:00, virtual

"Estimating the monetary value of informal care provided to people living with dementia using a discrete-choice experiment" - Speaker: Dr Lidia Engel, Deakin Health Economics, Institute for Health Transformation (Melbourne/Australia)

For more information please click here:

PriMHE 2021_11_09_Leaflet

»13 Oct 2021, Rutgers Psychiatry Grand Round (USA) with Prof Simon on 14th October 2021; virtual

Prof Simon presents the PECUNIA project (Health Care Economics - "Harmonising Methods for Assessing the Costs and Outcomes of Mental Health Services across Sectors and Countries in Europe") as part of the Rutgers Psychiatry Grand Rounds in the USA on the 14th Oct 2021, 15.00-16.45 (CET).

You can join the meeting and find more information here.

»1 Oct 2021, 17th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care –  “Exploring new dimensions”; virtual (6-8 Oct 2021)

Members of the DHE team present at the 17th EAPC World Congress.

The poster titled "Methodological aspects of economic evaluations conducted in the palliative and end-of-life-care settings: a systematic review" will be presented by Claudia Fischer.

Judit Simon is also co-author of the poster titled " iLIVE project volunteer study: delivery of a novel training programme for volunteer coordinators, to underpin development and implementation of hospital palliative care volunteer service".

»17 Sep 2021, Sechste ATHEA Konferenz - Covid-19 and Beyond; Vienna (23-24 September 2021)

Members of the DHE team present at the 6th ATHEA conference. Link to the presentations.

»13 Sep 2021, Prof Simon was invited to a panel talk to present the PECUNIA project results.

EUPHA_ECO webinar, virtual (22 September 2021, 14:00-15:30)

Prof Simon will be presenting the PECUNIA project results at the upcoming EUPHA_ECO (Public Health Economic Section) webinar on 22 September 2021, 14:00-15:30 (CET). Link to the registration.

»9 Sep 2021, Next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture: 09 November 2021, 12:00-13:00, virtual

"Estimating the monetary value of informal care provided to people living with dementia using a discrete-choice experiment" - Speaker: Dr Lidia Engel, Deakin Health Economics, Institute for Health Transformation (Melbourne/Australia)

For more information please click here: PriMHE 2021_11_09_Leaflet

»6 Sep 2021, Vaccinating Children and Young People: What are the issues?

ASPHER (The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region) statement is now online.

Sesa G, McCallum A, Martin-Moreno JM, Naboulet J-P, Green M, Davidovitch N, Simon J, Czabanowska K, Middleton J: Vaccinating Children and Young People: What are the issues? ASPHER statement. 2021 Sep 6.

»18 Aug 2021, DHE Jobs: Doctoral Researcher in Health Economics

The DHE is wishing to appoint a doctoral researcher in health economics to contribute to to relevant ongoing projects of the DHE (e.g. FWF-project „Measuring outcomes of palliative care using patient reported outcomes (PROMs)”).

For more information please visit: DHE Jobs and the website of the Doctoral Programme Public Health UN790 Public Health.

»28 June 2021, iHEA - 14th World Congress on Health Economics, virtual (12-15 July 2021)

Members of the DHE team moderate, chair and present at iHEA 2021.

iHEA World Congress on Health Economics

Judit Simon: Specific Populations Poster Session (moderator)

Judit Simon: Reference Unit Cost Development in Six Countries for Multi-National, Multi-Sectoral Economic Evaluations: Experiences from the PECUNIA Project. (session chair)

Susanne Mayer: Harmonized calculation and cross-country comparison of reference unit costs of health and social care services based on the PECUNIA service costing tools. (oral presentation)

Claudia Fischer: The self-reported PECUNIA resource use measurement instrument module for the health and social care sectors: item development and questionnaire structure. (oral presentation)

Michael Berger: Devil in the details: How urgency and costs influence the effects of cost-sharing on healthcare service consumption patterns. (poster presentation)

Michael Berger: Regional medical practice variation in high-cost healthcare services: Evidence from diagnostic imaging in Austria (poster presentation)

Link to the presentations

»8 Jun 2021, Prof Simon is giving an invited talk at the Value of Treatment (VOT) 2 Synthesis Meeting, 8th June 2021, 16:15 CET, virtual

Prof Simon is giving an invited talk "Comments: towards an overarching perspective on the care pathway analysis and health economics study for mental disorders" at the Value of Treatment 2 Synthesis Meeting, on the 8th June 2021, at 16:15 CET.

Experts participating in the Value of Treatment (VOT) for brain disorders research will present a synthesis of the results so far and examine the most critical issues in brain diseases in Europe from different perspectives including policymakers, innovators, academia and industry, medical professionals and patient organisations.

Link to the event.

»25 May 2021, Corvinus University, Hungary awards honorary professorship to Judit Simon

Prof Simon has been awarded the title of Honorary University Professor by the Senate of Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary for her ongoing collaborative work at the Department of Health Economics, Institute of Economics and Public Policy. 

»10 May 2021, PECUNIA Final Workshop, virtual, 2nd June 2021 - registration open!

"Assessing the costs and outcomes of healthcare for economic evaluations in Europe"

As the PECUNIA project reaches its end, a one-day Virtual Final Workshop titled "Assessing the costs and outcomes of healthcare for economic evaluations in Europe" is organized on June 2, 2021 to present the key findings and results of the project.

Participation in this virtual event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

Find more information on registration and workshop programme here.

»4 May 2021, The DHE Short Course is taking place 20-22 October 2021 (online)

Evidence-based healthcare evaluation - Introduction to evidence synthesis and health economics

For more information please visit the course website:

DHE Short Course

» 26 April 2021, “The Future of Mental Health” (29th April 2021) - Online-Symposium, Uni Wien

Prof. Simon presented "Developments in outcome measurement for mental health services: the story of a fruitful collaboration in Austria"

The symposium "The Future of Mental Health" on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Univ.-Doz. Dr. Georg Spiel was organized by pro mente and took place online on the 29th April 2021.

»25 March 2021, Assessing the costs and outcomes of healthcare - EU Research Spring 2021

The new issue of EU RESEARCH features some results from the 2020 PECUNIA EU project on assessing the costs and outcomes of healthcare.

Link to the publication.

»24 March 2021, "Psyche im Corona-Stress" - an interview with Prof Simon, 2021/1 WIEN WISSEN

Prof Simon's interview "Psyche im Corona-Stress" about the study results on the impact of COVID19 on mental health and well-being in Austria was published in WIEN WISSEN 1/2021.

Link to the interview.

»17 March 2021, Agata Laszewska presented the PECUNIA work on the development of supra-national value sets for the EQ-5D at the Maastricht ISPOR Student Chapter meeting on March 18 2021.

»11 March 2021, Round Table "ZUKUNFT EUROPA- GESUNDHEIT und INNOVATIVE IDEEN" (10th March 2021) - Bundeskanzleramt, Wien

Mag.a Karoline Edtstadler (Bundesministerin für EU und Verfassung) invited Prof. Simon as an expert for Health Economics.

Prof. Simon participated the round table "ZUKUNFT EUROPA- GESUNDHEIT und INNOVATIVE IDEEN" on the 10th March 2021 as an expert for Health Economics.

»9 March 2021, „Joint Academy Day ÖAW-RSC" (18th March 2021) - webinar

Prof. Simon is a speaker on the subject Healthy Societies - 19.00-20:30

You are welcome to join the "Joint Academy Day" organized by the ÖAW together with the Canadian Academy of Sciences. The event takes place online as a webinar on the 18th March 2021.

Prof. Simon is a speaker in Panel 6: Healthy Societies - from 7 p.m.

You can find more information about the program and the Panel-Links here.

»11 February 2021, Prof. Simon was featured in the PECUNIA project #WomenInScience Twitter campaign on 11 Feb. 2021

»27 January 2021, Prof. Simon was guest in Ars Boni 111: Effects of COVID 19 on mental health (live podcast)

Prof Simon has been talking to Prof Forgo from the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna in his podcast series ‘Corona and Law’ about the impact of COVID 19 on mental health and related ongoing research at the DHE in addition to the health economic aspects of decision making during the COVID 19 pandemic.

To watch the podcast go to

»13 January 2021, Prof Simon was invited to join the International Editorial Board of BJPsychOpen

Prof. Dr. Judit Simon has accepted the invitation to join the BJPsych Open International Editorial Board with handling editor's responsibilities. “Prof. Simon’s breadth of experience, research and publications with international collaborations addressing mental health economics, public health, psychiatric clinical trials, and health services/systems research will bring significant strength to BJPsych Open.” (Kenneth R. Kaufman,  Editor-in-Chief, BJPsych Open)BJPsych Open is a high-quality, online-only open access journal for the publication of all methodologically sound research in psychiatry and disciplines related to mental health.

»4 January 2021, Agata Łaszewska co-authored a new ASPHER report on Lockdown-induced illnesses

In order to curb the spread of the pandemic, many governments introduced country-level lockdowns involving a range of social restrictions designed to limit physical-social interactions and mobility. However, these measures have also resulted in extensive unintended adverse health effects on populations worldwide.

This ASPHER Report ‘What are the COVID-19 10 Lockdown-induced illnesses and why should European public health systems be investigating their epidemiology, treatment, and prevention?’ aims to explore the anticipated long-term impacts of pandemic-induced lockdowns across Europe on different aspects of health that have been less commonly studied and explored.

»9 December 2020, The slides for the PriMHE Event (26 January 2021) are now available for download

Prof Andrea Cipriani (University of Oxford) presented: "Innovative methods of evidence synthesis: a primer on network meta-analysis."

Link to PriMHE-presentations

»18 November 2020, November edition of ASPHER Newsletter features COVID-19 report in Austia by Professor Simon

The November edition of the ASPHER (the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region) Newsletter features a COVID-19 country report from Austria written by Professor Simon.


»12 November 2020, Working paper on the impact of Covid-19 on mental health and wellbeing in Austria - a summary of study results, is now available

Working paper presenting a snapshot of the results of the study “Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die psychische Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden in Österreich" has been prepared by the DHE team and can be viewed here.

Description of the study in German and English.

»9 November 2020, ISPOR Europe 2020 (16-19 November 2020), virtual conference

The DHE team is presenting the PECUNIA Project

ISPOR Europe 2020

»30 October 2020, Case study of developing a linguistically and culturally valid Hungarian version of the OxCAP-MH well-being questionnairee presented

The poster entitled Internal and external aspects of freedom in the application of the capability approach – the case study of developing a linguistically and culturally valid Hungarian version of the OxCAP-MH well-being questionnaire” has been electronically presented as part of the annual meeting of the Hungarian Health Economics Association on 27 October 2020.

Timea Mariann Helter1, Ildiko Kovacs2, Andor Kanka2, Orsolya Varga3, Janos Kalman2, Judit Simon1,4
 1Department of Health Economics, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Kinderspitalgasse 15, Vienna, A-1090
2 Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Kálvária Ave 57, Szeged, Hungary, H-6725
3 Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, University of Debrecen, 26 Kassai Street, Debrecen, Hungary
4 Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Warneford Hospital, Oxford OX3 7JX, UK

»12 October 2020, Differing calculation methods hinder cost comparisons between public health care sys

Medical University of Vienna press release about DHE findings

(EN) Differing calculation methods hinder cost comparisons between public health care systems across the EU

(DE) Unterschiedliche Berechnungsmethoden erschweren EU-weit Kostenvergleiche in öffentlichen Gesundheitssystemen

»29 September 2020, Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen im Rahmen der COVID-19 Maßnahmen

Durchführungsbestimmungen, Sicherheits- und Hygienebestimmungen,
Studienjahr 2020/2021

Im folgenden Mitteilungsblatt finden Sie die Durchführungs-, Sicherheits- und Hygienebestimmungen bezüglich Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen im Rahmen der COVID-19 Maßnahmen im Studienjahr 2020/21

Mitteilungsblatt der Medizinischen Universität Wien
26. Stück, Nr. 32

»25 September 2020, Infosession for UN790 Doctoral Programme Public Health

Monday, 5 October 2020, 12:00-13:00
Webex Meeting

Event number: 121 836 8886                   

Event password: phd-publichealth                 

Login event address for attendees:

Registration is not required.

Doctoral Program Public Health

»23 September 2020, 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020 (12-16. October 2020)

Poster presentations of the DHE team

Nataša Perić: Is the EU ready for a generic set of indicators for health system performance? A qualitative study

Judit Simon: (Pharmaco)economic evaluations for mental health related services: the PECUNIA project

»24 August 2020, Austrian recommendations on physical activity (Österreichische Bewegungsempfehlungen) updated
Susanne Mayer was part of the national expert group contributing to the updated Austrian recommendations on physical activity.
Austrian recommendations on physical activity (Österreichische Bewegungsempfehlungen) updated
Susanne Mayer was part of the national expert group updating the Austrian recommendations on physical activity, specifically contributing to the chapter on societal consequences of physical inactivity. The document can be downloaded from the website of Fonds Gesundes Österreich.

»29 May 2020, New crowd-sourcing initiative "Reden Sie mit!" (Ludwig Bolztman Gesellschaft LBG)

Prof Judit Simon is part of the Expert Advisory Group and Dr Agata Laszewska will participate in the co-creation workshop as part of LBI initiative "mental health and work".

The goal of this great initiative is to identify subject areas for which new research in the area of mental health is urgently needed by engaging general public, experts and practitioners in the discussion.

The focus is on the mental health in connection with education and learning, work and social isolation during the Corona crisis.

For more information please visit the initiative's website:

»27 May 2020, Umfrage: Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die psychische Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden in Österreich

Die Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie, Zentrum für Public Health, Medizinische Universität Wien hat eine Online-Umfrage erstellt.  Ziel dieser Studie ist, die langfristigen Auswirkungen des COVID-19-Ausbruchs auf die psychische Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen in Österreich zu untersuchen.

Sie können teilnehmen, wenn Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind, gute Deutschkenntnisse haben und wenn Sie während der Ausgangbeschränkungen zwischen Mitte März und Mitte April 2020 Ihren Hauptwohnsitz in Österreich hatten.

Die Teilnahme an dieser Befragung erfolgt freiwillig und anonym. Das Ausfüllen des Fragebogens dauert ca. 40 Minuten, aber der Fragebogen kann jederzeit unterbrochen und später fortgesetzt werden. Alle Daten werden gemäß der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) behandelt. Die Studie wurde von der Ethikkommission der Medizinischen Universität Wien genehmigt (EK Nr: 1529/2020).

Für weitere Information, bitte wenden Sie sich an unsere Homepage:

»20 May 2020, The DHE presents at the Online-Spring Conference of the Austrian Society of Public Health (ÖGPH)

Agata Łaszewska presented "Auswirkungen psychischer Erkrankungen auf dem Ressourcenverbrauch im Gesundheitsbereich und Produktivitätsverlusten" during the first spring conference (Frühjahrstagung) of the Austrian Society for Public Health as one of the finalists of the early career public health researchers competition.
Nicole Grössmann presented "Publicly accessible evidence of health related quality of life benefits associated with cancer drugs approved by the European Medicines Agency between 2009 and 2015". 

ÖGPH Online-Spring Conference Programme

»1 April 2020, DHE office hours during SARS CoV-2 restrictions

Due to the current CoV-2 restrictions the offices of the Department of Health Economics remain closed for personal appointments.

You can reach us as usual via e-mail or phone:

+43 (0) 1 40160 - 32842

»1 April 2020, SARS CoV-2 Information of the Medical University of Vienna

For updates please visit the news section of the university's website:

»14 Febr 2020, 21. Jahrestagung EbM-Netzwerk 2020

Useful patient-related research,13 -15 February 2020, Basel

Nicole Grössman is presenting: “Published evidence of health-related quality of life benefits associated with cancer drugs approved by the European Medicines Agency between 2009 and 2015”

»28 January 2020, Presentations of DHE members at the 5th ATHEA Conference

Nataša Perić is presenting “Cost-effectiveness of the PreDicT test-results and lessons learned from a European multinational depression trial".

Susanne Mayer is presenting  "Development of the PECUNIA unit cost calculation templates for harmonized cross-country and cross-sector valuation of services".

Timea Helter is presenting "Developing a linguistically and culturally valid Hungarian version of the OxCAP-MH questionnaire".

Agata Laszewska is presenting “Identification of cross-country differences in health state valuations to identify criteria guiding future development of supra-national value sets for EQ-5D – the PECUNIA project”. 

»9 January 2020, "Methodological challenges in (pharmaco)economic evaluations“

Die Teilnahme an unseren Fortbildungsveranstaltungen von Univ.Prof. Judit Simon, Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie gehört zu den Dienstpflichten jeder Ärztin / jedes Arztes an der Univ. Klinik für Klinische Pharmakologie. Speziell für die in Ausbildung stehenden Kolleginnen und Kollegen ist die Teilnahme verpflichtend.

Wir bitten alle Arbeitsgruppenleiter, den Kollegen die Teilnahme an der Fortbildung zu ermöglichen.

Interessierte sind auch herzlich willkommen!

»8 January 2020, Meeting of the UK Health Economics Study Group in Newcastle

Timea Helter has attended the Winter 2020 meeting of the UK Health Economics Study Group in Newcastle, supported by a scholarship from the organisers. Her paper entitled "Empirical comparison of capability instruments in mental health research: OxCAP-MH vs. ICECAP-A in schizophrenic patients with depression" was discussed by David Mott from the Office of Health Economics on 8th January.

»19 November 2020, "Empirical comparison of capability instruments in mental health research: OxCAP-MH vs. ICECAP-A in schizophrenic patients with depression"

6th-8th January 2020

Timea Helter will present her paper entitled "Empirical comparison of capability instruments in mental health research: OxCAP-MH vs. ICECAP-A in schizophrenic patients with depression" at the next meeting of the Health Economists’ Study Group, hosted by Newcastle University from 6th-8th January 2020. The paper aims to comprehensively compare the properties of the OxCAP-MH and ICECAP-A instruments in schizophrenic patients with depression.

»19 November 2019, First HTx Expert Forum meeting

25. November 2019

PECUNIA coordinator Prof. Judit Simon is invited to the HTx Expert Forum. This advisory board brings together methodological and clinical experts from different European societies and projects in order to evaluate the outcomes of the project and to intensify the discussion on the new methods in this research field. Prof. Simon is happy to participate in the 1st HTx Expert Forum meeting on November 25, 2019, in Barcelona.

»24 October 2019, PriMHE Challenges in developing a life-course approach to assessing capability well-being for use in

21 November 2019,15:00 – 16:00

Professor Joanna Coast
Joanna Coast is Professor in the Economics of Health & Care at the University of Bristol.  Jo qualified with a BA (Econ) (Hons) in Economics in 1988 and an MSc in Health Economics in 1990, both from the University of York, and a PhD in Social Medicine from the University of Bristol in 2000.  Jo's research interests lie in the theory underlying economic evaluation, developing capability measures of outcome for use in economic evaluation, priority setting, end-of-life care and the economics of antimicrobial resistance. 
Venue: Medical University of Vienna,

Center for Public Health
Kinderspitalgasse 15
1090 Vienna, Austria  (Please use the entrance Zimmermanngasse)
Bianca von Bienenfeld Room (SE3), 2nd floor

»23 October 2019, 9th International Seminar of the PRC

23-25 October 2019

Invited talk of Claudia Fischer at the 9th International Seminar of PRC in Krems an der Donau, Austria 23-25 October 2019. Title of her presentation was "The assessment of quality of palliative care in Austria".

»18 October 2019 , iLIVE Project meeting - 6. International Collaborative Symposium Week

4. - 7. November 2019

Dr. Claudia Fischer participates at the iLIVE project meeting in Bergen - Norway.  This will take place during the 6. International Collaborative Symposium Week of the International Collaborative for Best Care for the Dying Person.

Zur Newsletter Anmeldung für das Project iLIVE.

»11 October 2019, EU-project PReDicT

18-19 November 2019

Judit Simon and Nataša Perić will participate in the final All Investigators Meeting of the EU-project PReDicT in Paris, France.

»11 October 2019,  ISPOR EUROPE CONFERENCE Copenhagen 

5 November 2019 - Research Poster Session 4 – 15:45 – 19:00:

Nataša Perić presented two posters from joint collaborations on:

»23-25 October 2019, 9th International Seminar of the PRC, Invited talk of Claudia Fischer at the 9th International Seminar of PRC in Krems an der Donau, Austria 23-25 October 2019. Title of her presentation was "The assessment of quality of palliative care in Austria".

»20 September 2019, Judit Simon invited talk at the Alpe-Adria-University Klagenfurt

25. September 2019

Judit Simon invited talk at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt about improving health economic methods for the evaluation of mental health interventions and services

»20 August 2019, DHE Short Course

Vienna, 16-18 October 2019

The DHE Short Course "Evidence-based healthcare evaluation: Introduction to evidence synthesis and health economics" is taking place. For more information and registration go to: DHE Short Course

»20 August 2019, Info Session N790 Doctoral Programme Public Health

In order to support you with the preparations for the forthcoming academic year 2019/20, we would like to invite you to the annual info session for the

Doctoral Programme Public Health

2 October 2019, 12:00-13:00 at the Center for Public Health/Seminar room 3

(2nd floor via staircase 2, entrance Zimmermanngasse 3, 1090 Vienna)

Registration is not required

»6 August 2019, PECUNIA Satellite Workshop

PECUNIA Satellite Workshop in Basel, (17 July 2019)  the 2nd milestone after 17 month - after finalising the multi-sectoral country reports an compiled sector specific master service lists in all participating countries. For more information and registration: PECUNIA Satellite Workshop the 1st satellite workshop during the iHEA Conference in Basel.

»6 August 2019, iHEA WORLD CONGRESS

iHEA WORLD CONGRESS in Basel, (13-17 July 2019) New Heights in Health Economics

  • "Cross-Cultural and Inter-Country Transferability and Validity of the OxCAP-MH Well-Being Questionnaire" (Judit Simon)
  • "Multi-Sectoral Costs and Benefits of Mental Care in Europe: European Research Project PECUNIA" (Judit Simon)
  • "Valuation Methods in Costing for International, Multi-Sectoral Health Economic Evaluations: A Structured Scoping Review" at the IHEA World Congress in Basel (Susanne Mayer)
  • "Health-Related Resource-Use Measurement Instruments for Intersectoral Costs and Benefits in the Education and Criminal Justice Sectors" at the IHEA World Congress in Basel (Susanne Mayer)

»6 Aug 2019, ENMESH Conference

ENMESH Conference in Lisbon, Portugal (6-8 June 2019) where researchers network and discuss research related issues - Conference on Mental Health Service Research.

  • "Patterns of physical comorbidities in patients with selected mental health disorders" (Judit Simon)
  •  "The excess resource use and costs of physical comorbidities in patients with mental health disorders: a systematic literature review" (Dennis Wienand)
  • "Resource use patterns, healthcare and lost productivitiy costs among adults with and without mental health diagnoses: cross-sectional survey in Austria" (Agata Laszewska)

»6 Aug 2019, PECUNIA Advisory Board Meeting  in Vienna

2nd Scientific Advisory Board Meeting in PECUNIA in Vienna (17 May 2019) Vienna took place for updates and to give targeted input.

»6 Aug 2019, ICMPE Conference

ICMPE Conference in Venice (29-31 March 2019)- Fourteenth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry: The Value of Mental Health Services 

  • "Valuation Methods in Costing for International, Multi-Sectoral Mental Health Economic Evaluations: A Structured Scoping Review." (Claudia Fischer)
  • "Inter-sectoral Costs and Benefits of Mental Care in Europe: European Research Project PECUNIA."(oral presentation) (Judit Simon)
  • "The Excess Costs and Resource Use of Physical Comorbidities in Patients with Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review. (Dennis Wienand)
  • "Ambiguity in Psychotherapy Definition: Is There an Urgent Need of an International Classification?" (Giulio Castelpietra, Judit Simon, Luis Salvador-Carulla)

»8 March 2019, TODAY: Judit Simon has been showcased in today´s EU H2020 programme News dedicated to inspirational women in science on International Women´s Day:

»March 2019: Timea Helter was awarded a software grant from Sawtooth Software to gain full access to their services. She is listed as one of the their grant recipients under:

»1 March 2019: 4th ATHEA-conference in Vienna

  • Judit Simon: "Multi-sectoral costs and benefits in health economic evaluations across Europe: The PECUNIA project" (oral presentation)
  • Susanne Mayer: "Valuation methods in costing for international, multi-sectoral health economic evaluations: a structured scoping review" (oral presentation) 

»11-12 February 2019: Judit Simon and Claudia Fischer participated in the Kick-Off meeting of the new EU-project "the iLIVE  project - Living well, dying well" in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

»20 February 2019: The Department of Health Economics, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna is wishing to appoint a Departmental Administrator starting 1 April 2019. Closing date for applications: 12 March 2019, 4 pm. For detailed information please visit the DHE job section. 

»15 Jan 2019, Judit Simon, Head of the Health Economics Department at the Medical University of Vienna, Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), and James Thomas, Chief Technology Officer at the Wellcome Trust discuss the impact of emerging technologies on advancements in public mental health at the Royal Institution in London, UK on the 15 January 2019.

»28 Nov-1 Dec 2018, Judit Simon participates at the 11th European Public Health (EPH) Conference in Ljubljana. She presents the PECUNIA project as panelist in the pre-conference "Building Public Mental Health across the life course" and discussing "future needs for mental health research at the EU level" on the 28 November.

»9 Nov 2018, The first lectures of the "Public Health Basic Lecture Series 1" in winter semester 2018/19 will start at 8.30 am, (Kinderspitalgasse 15, seminar room 3). Further details and registration via MedCampus (Course No. 851.089)

»2 Nov 2018, Susanne Mayer receives the award "MedUni Wien RESEARCHER OF THE MONTH November 2018" for her publication "Health-Related Resource-Use Measurement Instruments for Intersectoral Costs and Benefits in the Education and Criminal Justice Sectors" in "Pharmacoeconomics". 

»22-24 Oct 2018, The DHE Short Course "Evidence-based healthcare evaluation" is taking place. For more information and registration: DHE Short Courses

»17 Oct 2018, The first Journal Club "Health economics and evidence-based healthcare" in winter semester 2018/19 will start at 3 pm (Kinderspitalgasse 15, seminar room 4). Further details and registration via MedCampus (Course No. 851.093)

»6-9 Oct 2018, Judit Simon participates at the 31st ECNP Congress Applied ad Translational Neuroscience in Barcelona, Spain. She presents "Better prediction of outcomes in depression - what kind of societal impact can we expect?" as part of the symposium on the 7 October at the ECNP conference in Barcelona.

»2-4 Oct 2018, Nataša Perić is participating at the European Health Forum Gastein conference in Bad Hofgastein supported by the Young Forum Gastein scholarship. She will present "Headline Indicators for Monitoring the Performance of Health Systems" (poster)

»2-4 Oct 2018, Claudia Fischer is selected to participate at the first EHFG 2018 Hackathon at the European Health Forum Gastein conference in Bad Hofgastein.

»24 Sep 2018, The DHE is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an EU grant for a project named LIVE concerning palliative and end-of-life care.

»5 Sep 2018, Our next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture will take place at 12 pm at the Center for Public Health with Niek Klazinga, Professor of Social Medicine at the Amsterdam University Medical Centre who has been combining that role with coordinating the work on Health Care Quality and Outcomes at the OECD. He presently holds visiting professorship positions at the Economic Faculty of Corvinus University, Budapest and the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. The talk will be on "Value driven health care delivery: measurement and implementation challenges in OECD countries." 

»4 Sep 2018, Judit Simon presents "Financial challenges in health care - the way forward from a health economic viewpoint" at the Wiener Spitalsärztekongress 2018.

»1-4 Sep 2018, Noemi Kiss presents "Assessing country variability in hospital length of stay and analyzing variability in nutrition-related modifying factors based on 10 years of Nutrition Day" at the  40th ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism

»14-15 July 2018: 1st PECUNIA Progress Meeting will take place in Maastricht (NL) after the EUHEA conference and the PECUNIA consortium will meet for the second time since project start.

»11-14 Jul 2018, EUHEA - 12th European Conference on Health Economics, Maastricht, NL

  • Prof Dr Judit Simon is presenting: "Intersectoral costs and benefits in Europe: European research project PECUNIA"
  • Dr Susanne Mayer is presenting "Measurement: Health-related resource-use measurement instruments for intersetoral costs and benefits in the education and criminial justice sectors" and "Most important barriers to and facilitators of HTA usage in Europe"
  • Agata Laszewska is presenting "Psychometric properties of the German OxCAP-MH, a multi-dimensional capability instrument for outcome measurement in mental health"
  • Nataša Perić is presenting "Headline indicators for monitoring the performance of health systems: Findings from the european Health Systems_Indicator (euHS_I) survey"

»17 May 2018, The DHE announces two new projects: "ECNP-The physical comorbidity costs of mental health disorders" and "Economic evaluation of the NIHR PAX-BD study"

»8 May 2018, The new DHE-course "Evidence based health care evaluation and decision making" (Practical Seminar) starts as part of the Doctoral Programme Public Health Curriculum

»2 May 2018: The DHE-Team welcomes four new Researchers

»27 Apr 2018, The new website of the PECUNIA-Project goes live

»22 Mar 2018, The Department of Health Economics, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna is wishing to appoint a Departmental Administrator starting 16 April 2018. This is a permanent full-time position. Closing date for applications: 11 April 2018, 4 pm. For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»7 Mar 2018, The first Health Economics Journal Club for the summer semester 2018 will start at 3 pm. Further details and registration via MedCampus (Course No. 851.085) 

»1 Mar 2018, The DHE starts a new project Mental health 65+ in Austria - Burden of mental diseases in the elderly population in Austria

»1 Mar 2018, The DHE starts a new project The Physical co-morbidity costs of mental disorders 

»1 Feb 2018, The Enlarged Supervisory Board Meeting of the ESPEN nutrionDay worldwide will take place in Vienna.

»29 Jan 2018, The Department of Health Economics at the Centre for Public Health is wishing to appoint a PhD candidate in HEALTH ECONOMICS. The position is on a fixed-term contract for 3 years and can be filled immediately. Deadline for applications: Closed. Ref. code: DHE02/2018.
For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»26 Jan 2018, The Department of Health Economics at the Centre for Public Health is wishing to appoint a SENIOR RESEARCHER (POSTDOC OR SENIOR POSTDOC) IN HEALTH ECONOMICS. The position is Full-time, fixed-term until 31 December 2020 and can be filled immediately. Deadline for applications: Closed. Ref. code: DHE01/2018.
For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»26 Jan 2018, the first Semester of the Doctorate Programme Public Health (N790) with Judit Simon as the new Coordinator was successfully finished!

»22 Jan 2018, Judit Simon is presenting "Economic evaluation and HTA in health care decision making in Austria: evidence- or eminence-based decision making?" at the University of Hamburg, Germany

»14-16 Jan 2018, The Kick-Off meeting of the EU project PECUNIA took place in Vienna and was a big success!

»16 Jan 2018, our next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture will take place at 3.00pm the Centre for Public Health with Luis Salvador-Carulla, Professor and Head of the Centre for Mental Health Research at the Research School of Population Health, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra who will talk on "The Global/Local Mental Health Atlas Project. Use of healthcare ecosystem analysis for evidence informed policy".

»8 Jan 2018, The EU project PECUNIA has started his activities on the 1 January 2018. The Kick-Off meeting will take place in Vienna 14-16 January 2018.

»24 Nov 2017, Nataša Perić is presenting "Headline indicators for monitoring the performance of healthcare systems: Findings from the european Health Systems_Indicator (euHS_I) survey" at the 3rd ATHEA conference in Vienna, Austria.

»19 Oct 2017, Judit Simon is presenting "Health Economics for Personalized Medicine" at the Scientific Symposium of the Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine in Vienna, Austria

»11 Oct 2017, the first Health Economics Journal Club for the winter semester 2017 will start at 3pm. Further details and registration via MedCampus (Course No. 851.075)

»9 Oct 2017, our next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture will take place at 4.30pm (lecture starting at 5pm) the Centre for Public Health with Agnès Couffinhal, a senior economist at the OECD in Paris, specialized in the analysis of health systems and policies who will talk on "Tackling Wasteful Spending on Health: An OECD perspective".

»7 Oct 2017, also this year the DHE-Team will support cancer research and therefore participate at the Cancer Research Run "Lauf für die Krebsforschung" at the Campus of the University Vienna at "altes AKH". 

»3 Oct 2017, A methods and results paper to the DHE Unit Cost Online Database published in PLOS ONE is now available online.

»26 Sep 2017, The title of Visiting Professor of Cognitive Health Economics has been re-conferred by the University's Medical Sciences Board to Judit Simon in recognition of her continued important contributions towards the successful and fruitful collaboration between her and the University of Oxford.

»18 Sep 2017, Results of the empirical study looking at the relative importance of selected barriers and facilitators of the uptake of HTA studies in Austria by surveying relevant national stakeholders has now been published in Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research. For more information please go to PubMed or request a full-text of the publication via e-mail.

»9 Jul 2017, Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker is presenting „Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance in Europe” at the iHEA Congress 2017, Boston, USA.

»16 Jun 2017, Susanne Mayer was awarded with the 'Theodor Körner Förderpreis 2017' for Unit Cost Online Database developed at the Department of Health Economics

Susanne Mayer, Assistenzprofessorin an der Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie am Zentrum für Public Health der MedUni Wien, wurde vom Theodor Körner Fonds zur Unterstützung und Förderung der österreichischen Wissenschaft, Kunst und Kultur mit dem Theodor Körner Förderpreis 2017 ausgezeichnet.

Der Theodor Körner Fonds fördert junge WissenschafterInnen und KünstlerInnen Österreichs, die hervorragende Leistungen erbringen und von denen wichtige Beiträge für ihre jeweiligen Fachdisziplinen erwartet werden können. Die Auszeichnung ist mit einem Preisgeld verbunden. Die Förderpreise sollen zur Durchführung und Fertigstellung wissenschaftlicher bzw. künstlerischer Arbeiten ermutigen. Die eingereichten Projekte beurteilt ein Beirat, der sich aus ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft und Kunst zusammensetzt. Der Preis wurde im Zuge der Verleihung am 14. Juni 2017 im Großen Festsaal der Universität Wien mit anschließendem Empfang bei Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen in der Wiener Hofburg verliehen.

"Kosten(informationen) im österreichischen Gesundheitssystem: Online-Datenbank auf Basis eines systematic literature review“
Hintergrund des ausgezeichneten Projektes, das am Department of Health Economics (Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie), Zentrum für Public Health unter der Leitung von Judit Simon und Mitarbeit von Susanne Mayer, Agata Łaszewska und Noemi Kiss ausgeführt wird, ist, dass trotz des steigenden Kostendrucks auf das heimische Gesundheitssystem ökonomische Daten zum Gesundheitssystem in Österreich nicht systematisch veröffentlicht werden. Ziel des Projektes ist deshalb u.a. einen ersten Schritt hinsichtlich der Aufbereitung von existierenden Kosteninformationen (engl. unit costs) zu Gesundheitsleistungen, deren Quellen und Limitationen zu setzen. Auf Basis eines systematischen Literaturüberblicks von österreichischen (Kosten-)Studien wurden deshalb die publizierten Kosteninformationen in einer Online-Excel-Datenbank gesammelt und systematisch aufbereitet für die Öffentlichkeit frei zugänglich gemacht (DHE Unit Cost Online Database).

Die Datenbank ist potenziell für Stakeholder wie WissenschafterInnen oder EntscheidungsträgerInnen im Gesundheitswesen von Nutzen, die an der effizienten Verfügbarkeit von Kosteninformationen aus unterschiedlichen Quellen interessiert sind. Mehr als 155 Downloads seit dem Launch der Datenbank im Februar 2016 sprechen für die hohe Nachfrage nach derartigen Kosteninformationen in Österreich. Ein erstes Update der Datenbank fand im Jänner 2017 statt, weitere jährliche Updates sind vorgesehen.

Zur Person
Susanne Mayer absolvierte ein Doktorat in Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie Magisterstudien der Volkswirtschaft und Sozioökonomie an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU). Seit Juni 2014 arbeitet sie an der Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie am Zentrum für Public Health, wo sie nun als Assistenzprofessorin tätig ist. 

»31 May 2017, Vorarlberger Science Award 2017 in the category early stage researchers is awarded to Susanne Mayer. The award ceremony will take place on 13 November 2017.

»12 May 2017, Susanne Mayer is presenting "Health-related resource-use measurement items for inter-sectoral costs and benefits in the educational and criminal justice sector: Systematic review of instruments" at the lolaHESG (lowlands Health Economists' Study Group) conference in Rotterdam, NL.

»18 May 2017, (***PROLONGED to 24 May 2017!***).The recently established international, transdisciplinary Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Applied Diagnostics (LBI AD) in Vienna, Austria is wishing to appoint a Senior Researcher Position in Health Economics. The position is full-time, available until 30 June 2023 and can be filled immediately. Closing date: 07 April 2017, 4pm. For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»21 Apr 2017, Two DHE members presenting at the 1st ESPAnet (European Network for Social Policy Analysis) Austria meeting (20-21 April 2017, Vienna, Austria)

  • Agata Łaszewska: Prevalence of Mental Diseases in Austria. Review of Evidence and Policy Implications
  • Susanne Mayer: Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, Out‐of‐pocket Expenses and Health Literacy of Chronic Pain Patients in Austria: Results from a Cost‐of‐illness Study

»20 Apr 2017, Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker presenting "BRIDGE Health Achievements" at the meeting on Health Information in the European Union - The ERIC as a tool, Brussels, Belgium.

»25 Mar 2017, Judit Simon presenting "Inter-country transferability of the OxCAP-MH well-being questionnaire" at the Thirteenth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry - Mental Health Policy and Economics, Venice, Italy.

»16 Mar 2017, Maria M Hofmarcher-Holzhacker presenting "Indicators for structured monitoring of health system performance in the EU" at FACTAGE Expert Workshop on Differential Mortality, Statistik Austria, Vienna.

»1 Mar 2017, The recently established international, transdisciplinary Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Applied Diagnostics (LBI AD) in Vienna, Austria is wishing to appoint a Senior Researcher Position in Health Economics. The position is full-time, available until 30 June 2023 and can be filled immediately. Closing date: 07 April 2017, 4pm. For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»27 Feb 2017, ICB questionnaires: Instruments for resource use measurement in the education and criminal justice sectors for use in trial-based economic evaluations identified in a systematic review conducted by the Medical University of Vienna and Maastricht University have now been published in the online repository ‘Database of Instruments for Resource Use Measurement’

»10 Jan 2017, Judit Simon and Noemi Kiss have become founding members of Ö-SPOR: Österreichische Sektion der internationalen Gesellschaft für Pharmaökonomie und Ergebnisforschung - the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research AUSTRIA Regional Chapter. This group is under the umbrella of ISPOR (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research). The first meeting was held on November 19th, 2016, where the founding of the group was organized, relevant paperwork signed, board members elected.  Noemi has been elected Vice President, and Judit has been elected as a board member. Official activities are to commence in 2017 and all ISPOR members and other stakeholders throughout Austria who are interested in pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research in Austria are encouraged to obtain membership to this Regional Chapter and participate in our future endeavors.

»9 Jan 2017, Launch of updated DHE Unit Cost Online Database, now also containing unit costs extracted from health economic studies published in 2016.

»21 Dec 2016, The Department of Health Economics, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna is wishing to appoint an Administrator for Teaching and Research position starting as early as possible. The position is half-time, fixed-term until 27 December 2018. Closing date for applications: 11 January 2017, midnight.
For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»11 Nov 2016, Judit Simon presenting "Economic aspects of prevention" at the International Symposium 'Prevention Models of Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases' in Vienna, Austria

»9 Nov 2016, The recently established international, transdisciplinary Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Applied Diagnostics (LBI AD) in Vienna, Austria is wishing to appoint a Postdoc Position in Health Economics. The position is full-time, available for 4 years with potential extension for up to 7 years and can be filled immediately. Closing date: 02 December 2016, 4pm. For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»9 - 12 Nov 2016, DHE's contribution at the 9th European Public Health Conference 'All for Health – Health for All', Vienna, Austria. As part of the BRIDGE Health project, researchers at the DHE will have multiple contributions to the upcoming 9th European Public Health Conference.

»31 Oct 2016, Our next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture will take place at 7pm at the Centre for Public Health with Mark Sculpher, Professor of Health Economics at the University of York, UK who will talk on "Making Economic Evaluation Fit for Purpose to Guide Resource Allocation Decisions".

»29 Oct - 2 Nov 2016, DHE's contribution at the ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria. Click here for more details!

»12 Oct 2016, The first Health Economics Journal Club for the winter semester will start as usual at 2.30p. Please note that the new location will be the library at the Center for Public Health, Kinderspitalgasse 15, first floor, room number 139! Please register via MedCampus (Course No. 851.075)

»8 Oct 2016, Also this year the DHE-Team will support cancer research and therefore participate at the 10th Cancer Research Run "Lauf für die Krebsforschung" at the Campus of the University Vienna at "altes AKH".

»30 Sep 2016, european Health System_Indicators survey (euHS_I survey) is open until the 30 September 2016

Researchers at the DHE together with other members of the group working on the evaluation of health care systems initiated the european Health System_Indicators survey (euHS_I survey) to comprehensively and systematically review, assess and organize the existing health and health system indicator landscape with the aim to develop a blueprint for country fact sheets on health system performance assessment on the 20 June 2016. BRIDGE Health and other experts coming from the European Commission, Member States, OECD and WHO are asked to map selected indicators to performance domains, and to assess the importance of their information content. The euHS_I survey is open until 30 September 2016. First results will be presented at the 9th European Public Health Conference on 11 November 2016.

»23-25 Sep 2016, Judit Simon is Member of the Scientific and Advisory Board of the Third Meeting on Patient Reported Outcomes and Person Centered Care in Mental Health in Washington DC, USA.

»7 Sep 2016, There has been a technical problem with the registration for the Health Economics Journal Club. The issue has been resolved and registration is now possible again via MedCampus (Course No. 851.075)!

»31 Aug 2016, We are happy to announce that the WHO HEN report "Public Health Aspects of Migrant Health: A Review of the Evidence on Health Status for Labour Migrants in the European Region" is now available for download on PubMed Bookshelf.

»14 Jul 2016, Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker is presenting „Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance” at the EuHEA Conference 2016 in Hamburg, Germany.

»15 Jul 2016, Susanne Mayer will be holding a poster presentation "Economic evaluations and unit costs within the Austrian health care system: a systematic literature review" at the EuHEA Conference 2016 in Hamburg, Germany.

»7 Jul 2016, Lisa Simpson, CEO from the US AcadamyHealth and colleagues from the Jewish Healthcare Foundation visiting the DHE at the Centre for Public Health to discuss BRIDGE Health and issues of the Austrian health care system.

»22 Jun 2016, next and last Health Economics Journal Club for the summer semester at 2.30pm

»10 May 2016, The Department of Health Economics at the Centre for Public Health is wishing to appoint a SENIOR RESEARCHER (POSTDOC) IN HEALTH ECONOMICS. The position is half-time, fixed-term until 30 September 2018 and can be filled immediately. Closing date: 25 May 2016, 4pm.
For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»23 Apr 2016, Judit Simon presenting at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Pilgrims "Contrasts in Austrian and British health systems" in Vienna, Austria

»19 Apr 2016, Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker is presenting at the Policy Stakeholders Conference 'EU-Eastern Partnership STI Cooperation in Addressing Health Research and Innovation' in Budapest, "BRIDGE Health project"

»7 Apr 2016, Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker is presenting at the EU HSPA Expert Group meeting in Rome,"BRIDGE Health: Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance"

»16 Mar 2016, First Health Economics Journal Club for the summer semester at 2.30pm. Please register in Med.Campus (Course No. 851.065).

»14 Mar 2016, Official launch of the DHE Unit Cost Online Database

  • MedUni Vienna has made publicly available database of Austrian unit costs
  • Unit Costs across Europe, Professor Jennifer Beecham in her PSSRU blog
  • myScience: "DHE Unit Cost Online Database" der Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie frei verfügbar

»9 Mar 2016, Susanne Mayer was awarded the Walter-Doberauer scholarship 2016 for her work "Prävalenz und Prädiktoren für Polypharmakotherapie in der Bevölkerung ab 60: Analyse auf Basis der Österreichischen Gesundheitsbefragung" from the Austrian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology at the Kongresszentrum Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

»26 Feb 2016, Susanne Mayer presenting "Economic evaluations and unit costs within the Austrian health care system: a systematic literature review" at the 2nd ATHEA-Conference for Health Economics „Efficiency and equality in health systems“ in Vienna, Austria.

»26 Feb 2016, Agata Łaszewska presenting "Epidemiology, economic burden and quality of life associated with mental illnesses in Austria: a systematic literature review" at the 2nd ATHEA-Conference for Health Economics „Efficiency and equality in health systems“ in Vienna, Austria.

»26 Feb 2016, Nataša Perić presenting "Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance" at the 2nd ATHEA-Conference for Health Economics „Efficiency and equality in health systems“ in Vienna, Austria.

»18 Feb 2016, Judit Simon will be speaking as part of a podium discussion at the Health Care Symposium 2016 in Vienna, Austria.

»17 Feb 2016, our next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture will take place at 4pm at the Van Swieten Saal with Dr. Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen, Associate Professor Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment, institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, who will talk on "Update of the Dutch manual for costing studies in health care"

»25 Nov 2015, our next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture will take place at the Van Swieten Saal with Johan van Bussel, Head of at Scientific Institute of Public Health in Brussels, Belgium who will talk on "The project: Minimalisation of registration burden, Maximalisation of Return On Information".

»7-11 Nov 2015, Noemi Kiss will be holding two poster presentations at the ISPOR 18th Annual European Congress in Milan, Italy
- PRM256: The challenges in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of complex interventions; research poster presentations - session v research on methods: Wednesday, 11 November 2015, 08:45-13:45
- PSS8: Systematic review and mixed treatment comparison of therapies for diabetic macular edema; research poster presentations - session i sensory systems disorders Monday, 9 November 2015, 08:45-14:15

»28 Oct 2015, Next Health Economics Journal Club at 2:30pm. Further details you will find in Med.Campus (Course No. 851.057)

»21 Oct 2015, The DHE is part of the newly funded LBI for Applied Diagnostics consortium

Judit Simon will lead one of the four work packages. The work will focus on health economics and other broader societal questions (e.g. ethics) in relation to personalized oncology diagnostics and treatment.

»17 Oct 2015, Maria M. Hofmarcher presenting "Assemble key health system performance indicators and related (meta) information" at the 8th European Public Health Conference in Milan, Italy

»13 Oct 2015, Susanne Mayer presenting "Socioeconomic Determinants of Medicines Use in Central Eastern Europe: The Role of Pharmaceutical Policy in Reducing Inequalities." at the 3rd International PPRI Conference in Vienna, Austria

»26 Sep 2015, The DHE-Team will participate at the 9th Cancer Research Run at "altes AKH" and will be sponsored by Alda Travel.

»15 Sep 2015, Judit Simon has accepted an appointment to the Editorial Board of the Journal Health Economics and Outcome Research: Open Access

»25 Aug 2015, Maria M. Hofmarcher gave a talk at the 2015 European Forum Alpbach partner program where "New Challenges Smart investments for a sustainable health care system" were addressed. The talk focused "Current Status Austria: New Challenges for the Health Care System".

»24 Aug 2015, Judit Simon will be a Keynote Speaker presenting "Two-tier Medicine - An Insidious Inequality?" at the Alpbach Health Symposium, Alpbach, Austria

»2 Jul 2015, our next PriMHE (Programme in the Methods of Health Economics) lecture will take place at the Jugendstilhoersaal with Professor Adrian Towse who will talk on “Relative effectiveness and the impact on drug development”.

»25-27 Jun 2015, Judit Simon will be a Keynote Speaker at the International Health Conference St Hugh's College, Oxford, UK

»19 May 2015, Noemi Kiss will be holding a poster presentation "eHealth in the management of chronic diseases: a review of program effectiveness" at the ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting in Philadelphia, USA

»30 Apr 2015, The Department of Health Economics at the Centre for Public Health is wishing to appoint a postgraduate RESEARCHER IN HEALTH ECONOMICS. The position is full-time, fixed-term until 31 October 2017 and can be filled immediately. Closing date: 18 May 2015, 4pm.
For more detailed information please go to our Job section.

»29 Apr 2015, Susanne Mayer will hold a lecture for the IGSL Hospizbewegung on "Patient/inn/en und Gesundheitspersonal in der Gesundheitsökonomie".

»13 Apr 2015, Judit Simon presenting "The costs and outcomes of compulsory community treatment for people with severe mental health disorders" at the Corvinus Health Policy and Health Economics Conference Series 2015/2, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.

»23 Feb 2015, SSM 2 - Das optimale Screening-Programm für Brustkrebs (The optimal screening programme for breast cancer) starts at 2pm.
For more detailed information about course dates and location please go to Med.Campus (Course No. 806.096)

»17 Dec 2014, 19 + 27 January 2015: "The way to health: vom Gesundheitssystem zur Gesundheitsversorgung". Registration for this interdisziplinary course can only be done via Med.Campus (Course No. 896.000)

»22 Oct 2014, The Health Economics Journal Club is starting at 2.30pm and will take place each Wednesday.

»3 October 2014: Judit Simon has been appointed as Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford.

Judit Simon, Head of the Department of Health Economics at the Centre for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, has been conferred upon the title of Visiting Professor of Cognitive Health Economics by the University of Oxford. In recognition of her important contribution to long-standing successful collaboration and to establish further links in teaching and research, the University of Oxford’s Medical Sciences Board has conferred on Judit Simon the title of Visiting Professor of Cognitive Health Economics at the Department of Psychiatry from 1st October 2014.

»October 2014: Manuscript accepted for Publication in the European Journal of Public Health.

Mayer S, Österle A: Socioeconomic Determinants of Prescribed and Non-Prescribed Medicine Consumption in Austria.

»14 Aug 2014, Diabetes simulation models as prognostic tools

This half-day workshop will take place on 15 September 2014. - Programme

»21 Jul 2014, PriMHE Programme in the Methods of Health Economics

A new lecture series jointly organised between the DHE and the LBI-HTA is starting on the 16 September 2014.

»3 Jul 2014, Judit Simon is awarded a Fellowship Through Distinction of the UK Faculty of Public Health

Judit Simon, Head of the Department of Health Economics at the Med Uni Vienna’s Centre for Public Health, has been elected through distinction as a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health in the UK. Born in Hungary, she is also a Research Associate at the University of Oxford and was accepted to the highest grade of membership in recognition of her scientific achievements.

The Faculty of Public Health has approximately 3,000 members working in the field and is the standard setting body for specialists in public health in the United Kingdom.

“This level of membership is only offered to those who are recognised as having distinguished themselves through their significant contribution to public health practice, policy or research, or to the specialty of public health,” says President Prof. John R. Ashton

»New Staff joins the DHE

01.09.2017 Ines Stelzer joins the DHE as a new Postdoctoral Fellow for the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Applied Diagnostics (LBI AD).

02.05.2017: Margit Leeb joins the DHE as the new Administrator for Research and Teaching

03.08.2015: Nataša Perić joins the DHE as a new Researcher for the European project BRIDGE Health.

01.05.2015: Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker joins the DHE as Visiting Honorary Research Associate where she administers work on the European project BRIDGE Health.

03.11.2014: Noemi Kiss joins the DHE as a new Researcher.

01.07.2014: Agata Łaszewska joins the DHE as the new Researcher

16.06.2014: Susanne Mayer joins the DHE as the new Senior Researcher

08.05.2014: Eva Tunkel joins the DHE as the new Administrator

»9 May 2014, Judit Simon’s Inaugural lecture/Antrittsvorlesung Judit Simon

Judit Simon ist die erste Professorin für Health Economics an der MedUni Wien. Sie leitet die neue Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie (Department of Health Economics), die zur Aufgabe hat, Kosten und Wert von Behandlungsformen einzuschätzen und zu erforschen.

Bei der Gesundheitsökonomie geht es nicht a priori um die Finanzen im Gesundheitswesen, so die neue Professorin, vielmehr gehe es darum, Kosten und Wert von Behandlungsformen einzuschätzen und zu erforschen. Simon: „Es geht um die kosteneffektive Behandlung und das Herausfinden der Möglichkeiten, wie man zu einem möglichst kosteneffektiven System gelangt, bis hin zur Entwicklung von kosteneffektiven klinischen Guidelines.“

Judit Simon hält ihre Antrittsvorlesung mit dem Titel „Value-based health care: an achievable dream?“ am 9. Mai 2014 im Hörsaal 3 (Hörsaalzentrum) der MedUni Wien (Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Wien). Beginn: 11 Uhr.

Zur Person
Judit Simon hat ein Doktorat in „Public Health“ (Universität Oxford), einen Master of Science in Gesundheitsökonomie (Universität York), ist weiters Doktorin der Medizin (Hons), hat einen Bachelor in Wirtschaft und einen für „Medical Translation“ (alles an der Universität Szeged). Einer ihrer Schwerpunkte ist die Erforschung der Gesundheitsökonomie in Zusammenhang mit mentaler Gesundheit, Diabetes und Perinatalmedizin.

Seit Oktober ist sie Professorin für Gesundheitsökonomie und Leiterin der Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie am Zentrum für Public Health der MedUni Wien. Davor fungierte sie als Senior Reseacherin im Health Economics Research Centre an der Universität Oxford.

»25.10.2013, Judit Simon becomes Professor of Health Economics at the Medical University of Vienna.

Judit Simon took up the post of Professor of Health Economics at the MedUni Vienna in mid October. The Medical University of Vienna has thus also become the first Austrian university to establish a chair in the subject.

Born in Hungary, Simon has previously worked at University College London (UCL), the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford. She will also remain an associate member of the research team in Oxford, as a result of which she expects close cooperation to develop between Oxford and the MedUni Vienna.

The aim of the new Department of Health Economics at the MedUni Vienna (Centre for Public Health) is to become a distinct, independent academic research unit and to have an international focus. English will therefore be the official language. Judit Simon is striving to create interdisciplinary collaboration among clinicians and researchers not only within the MedUni Vienna, but also with other Austrian and international research institutions.

MedUni Vienna is planning to offer PhDs in Health Economics from 2014 onwards. Moreover, content from the subject will flow into other existing Masters Programmes enabling current courses of study to be expanded with subject matter from the field of health economics.

Health economics is not primarily concerned with finances in the health care system, according to the new professor, but more a matter of assessing and researching the costs and value of various treatments. Says Simon: “It is about cost-effective treatment and finding out possible ways of achieving as cost-effective a system as possible, through to developing cost-effective clinical guidelines.”