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Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie
Dieser Inhalt ist ausschließlich in der Sprache Englisch vorhanden.
  • Simon J. Assessing the value of mental health treatments for youth in Europe. 32nd European congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2024); 2024 Apr 6-9; Budapest (invited talk)
  • Fischer C, Saly E. PROMs Erhebung im Kontext stationärer Palliativversorgung – Ergebnisse des PallPROMs Projekts. 8. Österreichischer Interprofessioneller Palliativkongress; 2024 Apr 4-6; Villach (invited talk)
  • Resch T. Survival of the fittest? Beliefs in “Social Darwinism” and attitudes towards fair healthcare access. 16. dggö Jahrestagung 2024. Ethik und Ökonomie im Gesundheitssystem; 2024 Mar 4-5; Halle (Saale)

  • Berger M. Suburban Blues: Urbanicity, healthcare service mix and spatial patterns of admissions for depression. 16th EPH Conference; 2023 Nov 8-11; Dublin (poster)
  • Felsinger R. Ageing Well? Exploring Self-Reported Quality of Life in the Older Austrian Population. 16th EPH Conference; 2023 Nov 8-11; Dublin (poster)
  • Heilig D. Health economic analysis of inpatient prostate cancer treatment in Austrian hospitals. 16th EPH Conference; 2023 Nov 8-11; Dublin (poster)
  • Wienand D. Excess physical disease burden associated with selected mental health disorders in Europe. 16th EPH Conference; 2023 Nov 8-11; Dublin (oral)
  • Simon J. Latest methodological developements in the value assessment of mental health care. 23rd WPA World Congress of Psychiatry; 2023 Sep 28-Oct 1; Vienna (invited talk)
  • Berger M. Regulation incentives. How Austria’s institutional setting promotes regional variation in healthcare utilization. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; 2023 Sep 25; Vienna (oral)
  • Fischer C. Unleashing patient voices: Methodological considerations for the (economic) evaluation of palliative and end-of-life care. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; 2023 Sep 25; Vienna (oral)
  • Laszewska A. Improving the wellbeing assessment of people with mental health disorders using the capability approach. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; 2023 Sep 25; Vienna (oral)
  • Mayer S. Unit costs for healthcare decision-making: Quo vadis, Austria? DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; 2023 Sep 25; Vienna (oral)
  • Peric N. Is a predictive algorithm a cost-effective way to guide antidepressant treatment in Europe? DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; 2023 Sep 25; Vienna (oral)
  • Wienand D. Health economic arguments for better integrated care. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; 2023 Sep 25; Vienna (oral)
  • Laszewska A. How far country-specific context influences different capability domains in a vulnerable mental health population? Comparison between Hungary and the Austrian federal state of Carinthia. HDCA Conference. Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times; online and Sofia, Bulgaria (hybrid); 2023 Sep 11-13 (oral)
  • Simon J. Latest methodological developements in the value assessment of mental health care. 23rd WPA World Congress of Psychiatry; Vienna; 2023 Sep 28-Oct 1 (invited talk)
  • Mayer S. Unit costs for healthcare decision-making: Quo vadis, Austria? DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; Vienna; 2023 Sep 25 (oral)
  • Laszewska A. Improving the wellbeing assessment of people with mental health disorders using the capability approach. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; Vienna; 2023 Sep 25 (oral)
  • Berger M. Regulation incentives. How Austria’s institutional setting promotes regional variation in healthcare utilization. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; Vienna; 2023 Sep 25 (oral)
  • Fischer C. Unleashing patient voices: Methodological considerations for the (economic) evaluation of palliative and end-of-life care. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; Vienna; 2023 Sep 25 (oral)
  • Wienand D. Health economic arguments for better integrated care. DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; Vienna; 2023 Sep 25 (oral)
  • Perić N. Is a predictive algorithm a cost-effective way to guide antidepressant treatment in Europe? DHE 10th Anniversary Symposium; Vienna; 2023 Sep 25 (oral)
  • Laszewska A. 'How far country-specific context influences different capability domains in a vulnerable mental health population?" Comparison between Hungary and the Austrian federal state of Carinthia. HDCA Conference. Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times; online and Sofia, Bulgaria (hybrid); 2023 Sep 11-13 (oral)
  • Berger M. Flugrettung in der präklinischen Versorgung: Eine gesundheitsökonomische Erörterung. Symposium zum 40. Jubiläum der Flugrettung; Vienna; 2023 Jun 29 (oral)
  • Gamillscheg P. Drowning in information? Covid-19 information seeking behaviour and socioeconomic status during the first lockdown in Austria. 26. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der ÖGPH; St. Pölten; 2023 Mai 25-26 (oral)
  • Wienand D. Estimating the excess non-mental health hospital care costs associated with excess physical comorbidity burden of selected mental health disorders in Europe. Sixteenth Workshop of Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry. Mental Health Outcomes, Services, Economics, Policy Research; Venice; 2023 Mar 24-26 (oral)
  • Berger M.: Suburban Blues: A spatial exploration of regional variation in admission rates for depressive episodes in Austria. 7th ATHEA Conference. Looking beyond borders: Global health economics; Vienna; 2023 Feb 23-24 (oral presentation)
  • Heilig D.: Health economic analysis of prostate cancer treatment pathways using national-level Austrian hospital administrative data. 7th ATHEA Conference. Looking beyond borders: Global health economics; Vienna; 2023 Feb 23-24 (oral presentation)
  • Laszewska A.: Are existing patient-reported outcome measures suitable for broader quality of life assessment in health care evaluations?. 7th ATHEA Conference. Looking beyond borders: Global health economics; Vienna; 2023 Feb 23-24 (oral presentation)
  • Mayer S.: Equal in ashes? Association between socioeconomic position and life span based on data collected from published obituaries in Vorarlberg (Austria). 7th ATHEA Conference. Looking beyond borders: Global health economics; Vienna; 2023 Feb 23-24 (oral presentation)
  • Wienand D.: Estimating the public health impact of excess physical health conditions potentially associated with mental health disorders in Europe: Population-level extrapolation of existing epidemiological evidence. 7th ATHEA Conference. Looking beyond borders: Global health economics; Vienna; 2023 Feb 23-24 (oral presentation)
  • Judit Simon presents and discusses the PECUNIA project as panelist "Building Public Mental Health across the life course" and "future needs for mental health research at the EU level" during the pre-conference at the 11th European Public Health (EPH) Conference; Ljubljana; 2018 Nov 28 (oral)
  • Judit Simon: Better prediction and outcomes in depression - what kind of societal impact impact can we expect? 31st ECNP Conference; Barcelona, Spain; 2018 Oct 7 (oral)
  • Noemi Kiss: Assessing country variability in hospital length of stay and analyzing variability in nutrition-related modifying factors based on 10 years of nutrition Day data. 40th ESPEN CONGRESS on Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism; Madrid, Spain; 2018 Sep 1-4 (poster).
  • Judit Simon: Financial challenges in health care – the way forward from a health economic viewpoin. Wiener Spitalsärztekongress; Vienna; 2018 Sep 4 (invited talk)
  • Judit Simon: Cross-cultural and inter-country transferability and validity of the OxCAP-MH Well-Being Questionnaire. HDCA Conference, Buenos Aires; 2018 Aug 30-Sep 1 (oral)
  • Judit Simon: Intersectoral costs and benefits in Europe: European research project PECUNIA. EUHEA - 12th Conference on Health Economics; Maastricht, The Netherlands; 2018 Jul 11-14 (oral)
  • Susanne Mayer: Health-related resource-use measurement instruments for intersectoral costs and benefits in the education and criminal justice sectors. EUHEA - 12th Conference on Health Economics; Maastricht, The Netherland; 2018 Jul 11-14 (oral)
  • Susanne Mayer: Most important barriers to and facilitators of HTA usage in Europe. EUHEA - 12th Conference on Health Economics; Maastricht, The Netherland; 2018 Jul 11-14 (oral)
  • Agata Laszweska: Psychometric properties of the German OxCAP-MH, a multi-dimensional capability instrument for outcome measurement in mental health. EUHEA - 12th Conference on Health Economics; Maastricht, The Netherland; 2018 Jul 11-14 (oral)
  • Nataša Perić: Headline indicators for monitoring the performance of health systems: Findings from the European Health Systems_Indicator (euHS_I) survey. EUHEA - 12th Conference on Health Economics; Maastricht, The Netherland; 2018 Jul 11-14 (oral)
  • Nicole Grössmann: Monitoring evidence on overall survival benefits of anti-cancer drugs approved by the European Medicines Agency between 2009 and 2015. 15th YSA PhD Symposium; Vienna; 2018 Jun 13-14 (oral)
  • Nicole Grössmann: EMA-approved systemic cancer therapies – a systematic analysis on the clinical benefit at the time of marketing authorisation & post-approval. 14th YSA PhD Symposium; Vienna; 2018 Jun 7-8 (oral)
  • Agata Łaszewska: Psychometric properties of the German OxCAP-MH, a multi-dimensional capability instrument for outcome measurement in mental health. 19th Congress EPA Section of Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry; Vienna, Austria; 2018 Apr 4-7 (oral)
  • Judit Simon: Economic evaluation and HTA in health care decision making in Austria: evidence- or eminence-based decision making? University of Hamburg; Germany; 2018 Jan 22 (invited talk)
  • Nataša Perić. "Headline indicators for monitoring the performance of healthcare systems: Findings from the European Health Systems_Indicator (euHS_I) survey" at the ATHEA conference in Vienna, Austria, 24 Nov 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Judit Simon. "Health Economics for Personalized Medicine" at the Scientific Symposium of the Austrian Platform for Personalized Medicine in Vienna, Austria, 19 Oct 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker. „Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance in Europe” at the iHEA Congress 2017, Boston, USA, 9 July 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Mayer S, Paulus AGT, Łaszewska A, Simon J, Drost RMWA, Ruwaard D, Evers SMAA. Health-related resource-use measurement items for inter-sectoral costs and benefits in the educational and criminal justice sector: Systematic review of instruments. lolaHESG (lowlands Health Economists' Study Group), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 12 May 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Simon J, Łaszewska A, Leutner E, Spiel G, Churchman D, Mayer S. Inter-country transferability of the OxCAP-MH well-being questionnaire. DeGEval Frühjahrstagung 2017 "Rolle der Evaluation im Feld der Rehabilitation", Vienna, 11 May 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Mayer S, Spickschen J, Dorner T, Simon J. Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, Out‐of‐pocket Expenses and Health Literacy of Chronic Pain Patients in Austria: Results from a Cost‐of‐illness Study. European Network for Social Policy Analysis, Vienna, 21 April 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Łaszewska A, Österle A, Wancata J, Simon J. Prevalence of mental diseases in Austria. Review of evidence and policy implications. European Network for Social Policy Analysis, Vienna, 21 April 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. BRIDGE Health Achievements. Meeting on Health Information in the European Union - The ERIC as a tool, Brussels, 20 April 2017 (oral presentation)
  • Simon J, Łaszewska A, Leutner E, Churchman D, Mayer S. Inter-country transferability of the OxCAP-MH well-being questionnaire. Thirteenth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry - Mental Health Policy and Economics, Venice, 24-26 March 2017 (oral presentation).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M, Perić N, Simon J. Indicators for structured monitoring of health system performance in the EU. FACTAGE Expert Workshop on Differential Mortality, Statistik Austria, Vienna, 16 March 2017 (invited talk).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Veränderungen im Gesundheitswesen – raus aus dem Stillstand! Access to Innovation, Vienna, 3 March 2017 (invited talk).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Bedeutung der strukturierten Transition für die Gesundheitsplanung und Gesundsheitsökonomie. Workshop Transition bei Immundefekten des Kindes- und Jugendalters, Medizinischer Universitätscampus AKH Wien, Vienna, 27 January 2017  (invited talk).
  • Simon J, Mayer S, Kiss N, Łaszewska A. DHE Unit Cost Programme for Austria: Stage 1 and 2 (Nov 2016) Corvinus Health Policy and Health Economics Conference Series 2016/5, Budapest, Hungary (invited talk).
  • Simon J. Economic aspects of prevention (Nov 2016) International Symposium 'Prevention Models of Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases', Vienna, Austria (invited talk).
  • Perić N. Indicators for structured monitoring of health system performance at the BRIDGE Health Workshop "EU Health Information and System Analysis reloaded" (Nov 2016) 9th European Public Health Conference 'All for Health – Health for All', Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Priority setting methods in health information at the BRIDGE Health Round table "Essential functions of an EU Health Information System" (Nov 2016) 9th European Public Health Conference 'All for Health – Health for All',Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Mayer S, Vogler S, Österle A. Affordability of medicines by socioeconomic status after the financial crisis – a case study from Austria (Nov 2016) 9th European Public Health Conference 'All for Health – Health for All',Vienna, Austria (poster).
  • Mayer S, Kiss N, Łaszewska A, Simon J. Health Economic Costing Methods and Reporting in Austria (Oct 2016) ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria (poster).
  • Kiss N, Simon J. Challenges in Economic Evaluations conducted alongside clinical trials of Schizophrenia: The case of the actions study (Oct 2016) ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria (poster).
  • Prevolnik Rupel V, Turk E, Pentek M, Rencz F, Golicki D, Simon J, Brodszky V, Baji P, Zrubka Z, Zavada J, Petrova G, Rotar A, Gulasci L. EQ-5D studies in nervous system diseases in eight Central and Eastern European Countries (Oct 2016) ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria (poster).
  • Mayer S, Vogler S, Simon J, Österle A. Exploring determinants of Polypharmacy in the elderly population in Austria (Oct 2016) ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria (poster).
  • C Pentek M, Rencz F, Golicki D, Prevolnik Rupel V, Simon J, Brodszky V, Baji P, Zavada J, Zrubka Z, Petrova G, Rotar A, Gulacsi L. EQ-5D studies in rheumatology in eight Central and Eastern European Countries (Oct 2016) ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria (poster).
  • Golicki D, Pentek M, Gulasci L, Prevolnik Rupel V, Simon J, Bodszky V, Baji P, Zrubka Z, Zavada J, Petrova G, Rotar A, Rencz F. EQ-5D studies in diseases of the circulatory system in eight Central and Eastern European Countries (Oct 2016) ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress, Vienna, Austria (poster).
  • Simon J. Pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) from the viewpoint of health economics (30 Sep 2016) I. Hungarian Pediatric Emergency Conference, Szekesfehervar, Hungary (invited talk).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M, Busse R, Or Z, Perić N, Simon J, Smith P. Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance (Jul 2016) EuHEA Conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany (oral).
  • Vogler S, Österle A, Mayer S. Inequalities in medicine use in Central and Eastern Europe: The role of pharmaceutical policy in reducing inequalities (Jul 2016) EuHEA Conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany (oral).
  • Mayer S, Kiss N, Łaszewska A, Simon J. Economic evaluations and unit costs within the Austrian health care system: a systematic literature review (Jul 2016) EuHEA Conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany (poster).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Wieviel Wirtschaftspolitik ist Sozial- und Gesundheitspolitik? (Jun 2016), IIR Forum Spital 2016, Spital, Austria (oral).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Finanzierung des Gesundheitssystems (Jun 2016), IIR Forum Spital 2016, Spital, Austria (oral).
  • Simon J. Macro and micro level priority setting in health care provision as mirrored in the EU projects of the DHE (Jun 2016) IME-META X. Jubileumi Országos Egészség-gazdaságtani Továbbképzés és Konferenci, Budapest, Hungary (invited talk).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. EU-Central Asia STI Cooperation in Addressing Health Research and Innovation, "BRIDGE Health project" (May 2016) Policy Stakeholders Conference, Warsaw, Poland (oral).
  • Simon J. Contrasts in Austrian and British health systems (Apr 2016) annual Meeting of the Medical Pilgrims, Vienna, Austria (invited talk).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. EU-Eastern Partnership STI Cooperation in Addressing Health Research and Innovation, "BRIDGE Health project" (Apr 2016) Policy Stakeholders Conference, Budapest, Hungary (oral).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. BRIDGE Health: Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance (Apr 2016) EU HSPA Group meeting, Rome, Italy (oral).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Kostenentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen was steckt dahinter? (Apr 2016) Der Weis[s]e Salon der Weis[s]en Wirtschaft, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Berufsregister was gibt es international? (Mar 2016), Building Bridges Hindernisse überwinden – Zusammengehörendes verbinden. 19. Frühjahrstagung für Kinderkrankenschwestern und Kinderkrankenpfleger, St. Pölten, Austria (oral).
  • Mayer S, Simon J, Łaszewska A, Kiss N. Economic evaluations and unit costs within the Austrian health care system: a systematic literature review (Feb 2016) 2nd ATHEA-Conference for Health Economics „Efficiency and equality in health systems“, Vienna, Austria.
  • Łaszewska A. Epidemiology, economic burden and quality of life associated with mental illnesses in Austria: a systematic literature review (Feb 2016) 2nd ATHEA-Conference for Health Economics „Efficiency and equality in health systems“, Vienna, Austria.
  • Perić N. Improving indicators for monitoring health system performance (Feb 2016) 2nd ATHEA-Conference for Health Economics „Efficiency and equality in health systems“, Vienna, Austria.
  • Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M. Der Blick über den Tellerrand: Was kann Österreich von anderen Europäischen Ländern lernen. Große Pläne – Kleine Schritte. Die Umsetzung der Gesundheitsreform im Bundesland Salzburg (Feb 2016), AK Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria (oral).
  • Simon J, Auer C M, Bittner F, Fricke F U, Huber K, Köck C, Lindinger P, Probst J, Rumler R. S.O.S. Gesundheit - Gerät unser Gesundheitssystem außer Kontrolle? (round table discussion, Feb 2016) Pharmig Academy, Health Care Symposium 2016, Vienna, Austria.
  • Hofmarcher M M. Aktueller Stand der Gesundheitsreform (Dec 2015), WIFO Jour Fix Budget- und Steuerpolitik, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Hofmarcher M M. Berufsregister was gibt es international? (Nov 2015), Konferenz der Arbeiterkammer Österreich: Gemeinsam für das Register der Gesundheitsberufe, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Kiss N. ISPOR 18th Annual European Congress in Milan, Italy- 11 November 2015: The challenges in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of complex interventions; research poster presentations - session v research on methods- 9 November 2015: Systematic review and mixed treatment comparison of therapies for diabetic macular edema; research poster presentations - session i sensory systems disorders.
  • Hofmarcher M M, Simon J, Perić N. Assemble key health system performance indicators and related (meta) information. (Oct 2015) 8th European Public Health Conference in Milan, Italy (oral).
  • Hofmarcher M M. Demand-side policies for eHealth, Implementing eHealth in Austria: barriers and policy instruments  (Oct 2015) International workshop, on behalf of DG GROW, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Hofmarcher M M, Perić N. „Kosten der Adipositasepidemie in Österreich, eine grobe Schätzung“ (Oct 2015), 16. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Adipositas Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Vogler S , Österle A, Mayer S. Socioeconomic Determinants of Medicines Use in Central Eastern Europe: The Role of Pharmaceutical Policy in Reducing Inequalities. (Oct 2015) 3rd International PPRI Conference, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Simon J. Health economic views on the Austrian health care system (from the outside). (24 Sep 2015) Servitenrunde Talks, Vienna (invited talk).
  • Simon J. Two-tier Medicine - An Insidious Inequality? (Aug 2015) Alpbach Health Symposium, Alpbach, Austria (invited talk).
  • Hofmarcher M M. New Challenges for the Austrian Health Care System (Aug 2015), New Challenges and Smart Investments for a sustainable health care system, European Forum Alpbach, Partnerprogramme (oral).
  • Rivero-Arias O, Simons C, Yu L-M, Simon J. Multiple imputation to deal with missing EQ-5D-3L data – should we impute individual domains or the actual index (Jul 2015) 11th World Congress on Health Economics, Milan, Italy (oral)
  • Simon J. (Jun 2015) International Health Conference St Hugh's College, Oxford, UK (invited talk).
  • Kiss N. eHealth in the management of chronic diseases: a review of program effectiveness (May 2015). ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting in Philadelphia, USA (poster).
  • Mayer S. PatientInnen und Gesundheitspersonal in der Gesundheitsökonomie. (Apr 2015) IGSL Hospizbewegung, Vienna, Austria (invited talk)
  • Simon J. The costs and outcomes of compulsory community treatment for people with severe mental health disorders. (Apr 2015) Corvinus Health Policy and Health Economics Conference Series 2015/2, Budapest, Hungary (invited talk).
  • Simon J, Gray A, Mayer S, Łaszewska A, Rugkasa J, Yeeles K, Burns T. Cost-effectiveness of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs): Economic Evaluation of the OCTET Study. (Mar 2015) Twelfth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry - Mental Health Policy an d Economics Research: Improving Access, Quality and Outcomes, Venice, Italy (oral).
  • Vogler S, Österle A, Mayer S. Medicines use in Central Eastern Europe: The role of pharmaceutical policy in reducing inequalities. (Nov 2014) ATHEA Conference on Health Economics, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Simon J. Economy and intensive care. (Nov 2014) AIC, Linz, Austria (invited talk).
  • Simon J. The economic factor in non-communicable diseases. (Nov 2014) ÖGE Jahrestagung, Vienna, Austria (invited talk).
  • Simon J. The socioeconomic aspects of osteoporosis. (Nov 2014) Morgenfortbildung Orthopädie, AKH Vienna, Austria (invited talk).
  • Simon J. The economic aspects of obesity. (Oct 2014) 15. Jahrestagung der ÖAG, Vienna (invited talk).
  • Simon J, Simons C, Rivero-Arias O, Yu LM. Using patient-reported outcome measures in health economics research: The issue of missing data. (Oct 2014) University of Innsbruck, Austria (invited talk).
  • Simon J, Vergunst F, Jenkinson C, Anand P, Gray A, Rugkåsa J, Yeeles K, Burns T (Austria). The OxCAP-MH: a Novel, Multi-dimensional, Patient-Reported Capabilities Instrument for Mental Health Research and Policy. (Sep 2014) Second Meeting on Patient Reported Outcomes and Person Centered Care in Mental Health, Washington D.C., USA (oral).
  • Simon J. The resource impact of collaborative care management for patients with severe mental health disorders. (Sep 2014) Treffen des Netzwerkes Gesundheitsökonomie Österreich, Vienna, Austria (oral).
  • Simon J, Greco G, Anand P. Health, capabilities and life satisfaction. (Sep 2014) HDCA conference, Athens, Greece (organised session).
  • Mayer S, Österle A. Prescribed and non-prescribed medicine use by socioeconomic position in Austria (Jul 2014) iHEA/ECHE conference, Dublin, Ireland (oral).
  • Simon J. Measuring the capability sets of people with severe mental health disorders using a novel multi-dimensional instrument: the OxCAP-MH. (Jul 2014) iHEA/ECHE conference, Dublin, Ireland (oral).
  • Simon J, Simons C, Rivero-Arias O, Yu LM. Using patient-reported outcome measures in health economics research: The issue of missing data. (Jun 2014) WBS-Sommerseminar, Vienna, Austria (invited talk).
  • Simon J. Value-based health care: An achievable dream? (May 2014) Medical University of Vienna, Austria (inaugural lecture).
  • Simon J, Anand P, Gray A, Rugkasa J, Yeeles K, Burns T. How do severe mental illness and community coercion affect people’s capabilities?  (Sep 2013) HDCA conference, Managua, Nicaragua (oral).
  • Simon J. Towards a new understanding of public health. (Jun 2013) Austrian Society of Public Health Annual Meeting, St. Pölten, Austria (invited talk).