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Health services research in primary care

Department of Primary Care Medicine

The research focus on health services research in primary care developed already in 2010 from the participation in the international "Quality and Costs in Primary Care (QUALICOPC)" research, in which 34 countries worldwide participated, including Austria, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Kathryn Hoffmann, MPH.

Active participation in the following scientific and professional societies is also a result of this focus:

European General Research Network (EGPRN): Austria representative and member of the Research Committee

European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC): former Advisory Board Member
Open Medical Institute's Duke Family Medicine Seminar in cooperation with the American Austrian Foundation (AAF) and Duke University, NC, USA: Engagement as Co-Course Director

Within the Center for Public Health we have among other strong collaborations with the colleagues from the Department of Social and Preventive Mediciene Prof. Thomas Dorner, Prof. Ruth Kutalek und Mag. Dr. Elena Jirovsky.

Focus on health services research in primary care
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  • Access points to the health care system and utilization, strong primary care concepts and implementation options in the Austrian health care system, making the voices of patients visible, e.g. in the context of health care reforms (patient involvement).
  • Researching challenges of primary care physicians and the health care system in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and beyond.
  • Antibiotic resistance in primary care and related population knowledge

Contact persons for this research focus

Univ.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Kathryn Hoffmann, MPH


Tel. (Office): +43 (0)1 40160 34602

Dr. med. Roland Kraxner

General practitioner with own practice in Burgenland, PhD student


Focus: Access points to the health care system