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DHE Unit Cost Online Database now updated

DHE Unit Cost Online Database, a comprehensive collection of cost data extracted from Austrian costing studies, now updated and covering the years…

International VEGANScreener project assesses the nutritional quality of vegans

An international research group led by the Department of Epidemiology at the Medical University of Vienna has developed VEGANScreener, a new tool with…

Frequent salting of food increases the risk of stomach cancer

People who regularly salt their food may be at a higher risk of developing stomach cancer, according to a new study. After analyzing the health data…

Election of new member to the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Eva Schernhammer from the Departmnet of Epidemiology has been elected as a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Lehren an der KinderUniMedizin?

Wenn Sie an einer Mitwirkung interessiert sind, bitten wir Sie, alle für Ihre Lehrveranstaltung(en) relevanten Daten bis spätestens 15. April 2024 in…

Veronika Fialka-Moser Diversity Prize 2024

Pia Rottjakob was awarded the Veronika Fialka-Moser Diversity Prize (second place) for her Master's thesis "The Relationship between Reproductive…

OeGEpi Best Paper Award

We are pleased to announce that Claudia Zimmerman from the Department of Epidemiology has been honored with the OeGEpi Best Paper Award 2023. The…

Assesing the Value of Mental Health Treatments for Youth in europe (EPA 2024 Symposium)

Judit Simon is invited speaker at the forthcoming EPA 2024 symposium ‘Assessing the Value of Mental Health Treatments for Youth in Europe’ hosted by…