Thomas Waldhör, PhD, MSc
Professor of Medical StatisticsPhone: +43 (0)1 40160-34702
Email: thomas.waldhoer@meduniwien.ac.at
Medical University of Vienna
Center for Public Health
Department of Epidemiology
Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1st floor, room 123
1090 Vienna
Thomas Waldhör
Professor Thomas Waldhör was born in Linz in 1964, Matura 1982 also in Linz. He holds a PhD in Statistics from the University of Vienna (1992) and received his Habilitation in Medical Statistics (Concentration Epidemiology) in 1998. Having been with the Department since 1989, in 2015, became Professor of Medical Statistics. Professor Waldhör teaches medical students (SSM2 and SSM4) and postgraduates. His research centers around spatial epidemiology, diabetes in children, birth- and death registry data in Austria, and clinical trials.