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Cancer screening among homeless people

Cancer affects homeless and homeless people twice as often as the general population and is the second leading cause of death in this medically…

Work in transition: Climate crisis complicates conditions for home office

Climate change is bringing with it rising temperatures, which are leading to ever greater challenges in urban areas, both in the workplace and in the…

KPJ General Medicine Summer Party 2023

Many thanks

once again to all the guests for the nice evening with good conversations as well as one or the other amusing review and for the general…

New doctoral curriculum with focus on "Epidemiology" at the Center for Public Health

The Department of Epidemiology at the Center for Public Health at MedUni Vienna is launching a new doctoral curriculum with the thematic focus…

Reducing nighttime light exposure in the urban environment to benefit human health and society

Discover the latest article from the Department of Epidemiology on the topic of "Light Pollution".

“Das Interesse am Doktoratsprogramm Public Health ist groß und bietet viele Vorteile” – ein Interview mit Professorin Judit Simon in MedUnique people

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Das Interview mit Professorin Judit Simon zum Thema „Das Interesse am Doktoratsprogramm Public…

Maria Wakolbinger, Eva Winzer und Kyriaki Papantoniou erhalten Horizon Europe Grant

Medicine & Science

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Die Erforschung von Strategien zur Vermeidung von Adipositas bei Schichtarbeiter:innen steht im…