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KinderuniMedizin 2024

Die Registrierung für Lehrende hat begonnen.

Three databases developed at the DHE (Department of Health Economics) were published on the BMBWF website

Three databases developed at the DHE (Department of Health Economics) were published on the website of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education,…

Effectiveness of mental health promotion seminar for first year medical students confirmed in study

Medical staff are exposed to high levels of stress not only at work, but also during their training and education. Several studies have found that…

5th Gabriele Possanner Lecture at the Center for Public Health | April 18, 2024

We are delighed to announce that Frank B. Hu will give a lecture on "Precision Nutrition for Obesity Prevention and Improving Metabolic Health: Is It…

Judit Simon wurde Ko-Vorsitzende der Europe Special Interest Group der britischen Faculty of Public Health (FPH)

Judit Simon, Professorin für Gesundheitsökonomie und stellvertretende Leiterin des Zentrums für Public Health an der MedUni Wien, und Fellow through…

Improving cancer prevention among people experiencing homelessness

While people experiencing homelessness are more exposed to cancer-associated risk factors, there is a lack of awareness and structures for targeted…

Thomas Niederkrotenthaler appointed as professor in the field of Public Health

Public mental health expert with a focus on suicide prevention research

OeGEpi Best Epidemiology Paper Award 2023

There is still time to submit your applications for the OeGEpi Best Epidemiology Paper Award 2023. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2024.

Renowed Scientist honored for outstanding research achievements

Eva Schernhammer was recognized for her exceptional contributions to the field of science at the new year's reception of the Medical University of…