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Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie
Dieser Inhalt ist ausschließlich in der Sprache Englisch vorhanden.

Members of the DHE team give oral presentations at the EuHEA 2024 conference.

Vienna; 2024 Jul 1-3

1 July 2024, 13.15-14.45:

Susanne Mayer: Unearthing the divide: Historical development of socioeconomic inequalities in lifespan in Vorarlberg, Austria (1961 – 1981).

Claudia Fisher: A systematic review of the methodological aspects of applied economic evaluations in the palliative and end-of-life care settings.

Richard Felsinger: Ageing well? Exploring self-reported quality of life in the older Austrian population

1 July 2024, 15.00-16.30:

Laszewska A: Optimising the impact assessment of inpatient rehabilitation care for mental disorders on health outcomes.

Peter Gamillscheg: "Finding a GP in the public sector taking long COVID seriously is like playing the lottery”: A qualitative study on access barriers and facilitators to healthcare for long COVID-19 patients in Austria.

2 July 2024, 15.00-16.30:

Michael Berger: Suburban Blues: Urbanicity, healthcare service mix, and spatial patterns in hospital admissions for depression in Austria.

Dennis Wienand: Hospital care costs associated with excess physical health burden of serious mental health disorders in 32 European countries.

2 July 2024, 17.00-18.30:

Elisabeth Saly: Validity of the German ICECAP-SCM capability wellbeing measure assessed in specialized palliative care wards in Austria.

3 July 2024, 8.30-10.00:

Thomas Resch: Towards a theory of everything? Considering beliefs, attitudes, preferences, behaviours, and norms of pandemic prevention among health risk groups and the public with panel data evidence.