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AAHCI Webinar

Supporting students in the time of crisis: the

role of student associations

MedUni Wien trauert um Andrea Ebermann

Am 25.1.2025 ist Andrea Ebermann, unsere langjährige Kollegin und Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Public Health, unerwartet verstorben. Wir haben eine…

Jetzt für Wahlfächer im Sommersemester anmelden!

Ab sofort können sich Studierende für die Wahlfächer im Sommersemester anmelden. Informieren Sie sich unter Lehrveranstaltungen - Med.Campus -…

European Commission launches new advisory group to deal with public health emergencies

The new Advisory Committee on Public Health Emergencies (ACPHE) was set up in order to support and advise the European Commission and Member States…

New multi-disciplinary study on the quality of life impact of ageing in Austria is now published in the Journal of Aging and Social Policy

As part of an ongoing programme of work at the Department of Health Economics on the health economic aspects of older age in association with other…

New Core Curriculum for public health education and training

The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) released a new Core Curriculum for public health education and training.…

First results from the STREAMLINE project presented at EPH 2024

First results of the STREAMLINE project led by the Department of Health Economics at the Medical University of Vienna were presented at the 17th