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Publikationen 2024

Moshammer H, Mayer M, Rieder H, Schmidt Ch, Bednar-Friedl B, Wallner P, Hutter H-P (2024): Attributable deaths in Austria due to ozone under different climate scenarios. European Journal of Public Health: accepted.

Arnberger A, Eder R, Allex B, Wallner P, Weitensfelder L, Hutter H-P (2024): Urban green space preferences for various health-related psychological benefits of adolescent pupils, university students and adults. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 98:128396.

Kundi M, Nersesyan A, Schmid G, Hutter H-P, Eibensteiner F, Mišík M, Knasmüller S (2024): Mobile phone specific radiation disturbs cytokinesis and causes cell death but not acute chromosomal damage in buccal cells: results of a controlled human intervention study. Environmental Research 251(Pt 1):118634.

Worel N, Mišík M, Kundi M, Ferk F, Hutter H-P, Nersesyan A, Wultsch G, Krupitza G, Knasmueller S (2024): Impact of High (1950 MHz) and Extremely Low (50 Hz) Frequency electromagnetic fields on DNA damage caused by occupationally relevant exposures in human derived cell lines. Toxicology in Vitro  100:105902.

Publikationen 2023

Mišík M, Kundi M, Worel N, Ferk F, Hutter H-P, Grusch M, Nersesyan A, Herrera Morales D, Knasmueller S (2023): Impact of mobile phone-specific electromagnetic fields on DNA damage caused by occupationally relevant exposures: results of ex vivo experiments with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from different demographic groups. Mutagenesis 38, 227-237.

Lukas Kenner L, Kenner S, Prainsack B, Wallner P, Lemmerer K, Weitensfelder L, Hutter H-P (2023): Die Klimakrise als ethische Herausforderung. [The climate crisis as an ethical challenge] Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 173:232–238.

Zaller JG, Kruse-Plaß M, Schlechtriemen U, Gruber E, Peer M, Nadeem I, Formayer H, Hutter H-P, Landler L (2023): Unexpected air pollutants with potential human health hazards: Nitrification inhibitors, biocides, and persistent organic substances. Science of the Total Environment 862:160643.

Publikationen 2022

Zaller JG, Kruse-Plaß M, Schlechtriemen U, Gruber E, Peer M, Nadeem I, Formayer H, Hutter H-P, Landler L (2022): Pesticides in ambient air, influenced by surrounding land use and weather, pose a potential threat to biodiversity and humans. Science of the Total Environment 838:156012.

Kundi M, Hutter H-P, Wallner P, Moshammer H (2022): Stellungnahme zu den Ergebnissen der MOBIKids-Studie. 01/22:4-7.

Castaño-Vinyals G, Sadetzki S, Vermeulen R, Momoli F, Kundi M, Merletti F, Maslanyj M, Calderon C, Wiart J, Lee AK, Taki M, Sim M, Armstrong B, Benke G, Schattner R, Hutter H-P, …, Cardis E (2022): Wireless phone use in childhood and adolescence and neuroepithelial brain tumours: Results from the international MOBI-Kids study. Environment International. 160:107069;

Publikationen 2021

Arnberger A, Allex B, Eder R, Wanka A, Kolland F, Wiesbock L, Mayrhuber A A-S, Kutalek R, Wallner P, Hutter H-P (2021): Changes in recreation use in response to urban heat differ between migrant and non-migrant green space users in Vienna, Austria. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 63:127193.

Moshammer H, Poteser M, Hutter H-P (2021): COVID-19 and air pollution in Vienna – a time series approach. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 133(17-18):951-957.

Schmidt R, Nachtnebel M, Dienstleder M, Mertschnigg S, Schroettner H, Zankel A, Poteser M, Hutter H-P, Eppel W, Fitzek H (2021): Correlative SEM-Raman microscopy to reveal nanoplastics in complex environments. Micron 144:103034.

Publikationen 2020

Poteser M, Hutter H-P, Moshammer H, Weitensfelder L (2020): Perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) enhances NOTCH-signaling in an angiogenesis model of placental trophoblast cells. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 229:113566.

Moshammer H, Poteser M, Kundi M, Lemmerer K, Weitensfelder L, Wallner P, Hutter H-P (2020): Nitrogen-dioxide remains a valid air quality indicator. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17:3733.

Hutter H-P, Poteser M, Moshammer H, Lemmerer K, Mayer M, Weitensfelder L, Wallner P, Kundi M (2020): Air pollution is associated with COVID-19 incidence and mortality in Vienna, Austria. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17:9275.

Moshammer H, Poteser M, Lemmerer K, Wallner P, Hutter H-P (2020): Time course of Covid-19 cases in Austria. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17:3270.

Hutter H-P, Poteser M, Lemmerer K, , Wallner P, Shahraki Sanavi S, Kundi M, Moshammer H, Weitensfelder L (2020): Indicators of genotoxicity in farmers and laborers of ecological and conventional banana plantations in Ecuador. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 1435.

Hutter H-P, Lemmerer K, Moshammer H, Wallner P, Poteser M, Medwedeff Th, Weitensfelder L (2020): Die Klimamahnwoche: Information des Gesundheitspersonals über das Thema auf wissenschaftlicher Basis. Public Health Forum 28(1): 72-74.

Wallner P, Lemmerer K, Hutter H-P (2020): Anpassungsmaßnahmen zur Reduktion von Klimawandel-induzierten Gesundheitsrisiken in Österreich: Schwerpunkt Überschwemmungen. Public Health Forum 28(1): 62-64.

Berger M, Bastl K, Bastl M, Dirr L, Hutter H-P, Moshammer H, Gstöttner (2020): Impact of air pollution on symptom severity during the birch, grass and ragweed pollen period in Vienna, Austria: Importance of O3 in 2010-2018. Environmental Pollution 263: 114526.

Zumel-Marne A, Kundi M, Castaño-Vinyals G, Alguacil J, Petridou E, Georgakis, Morales-Suárez-Varela M, Sadetzki S, Piro S, Nagrani R, Filippini G, Hutter H-P, … , Cardis E (2020): Clinical presentation of young people (10-24 years old) with brain tumors: results from the international MOBI-Kids study. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 147:427–440.

Moshammer H, Hutter H-P (2020): More pesticides – less children? Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift. 132(7):197–204.

Publikationen 2019

Hutter H-P, Waldhoer Th, Müller K, Weitensfelder L, Heinzl H (2019): Cancer incidence in an Austrian alpine valley 1983-2012 - a descriptive study. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 131:200-204.

Ekmekcioglu C, Kundi M, Hutter H-P (2019): Let the morning sunshine in. The Lancet 394:1518.

Hussain RI, Walcher R, Eder R, Allex B, Wallner P, Hutter H-P, Bauer N, Arnberger A, Zaller J, Frank Th (2019): Management of mountainous meadows associated with biodiversity attributes, perceived health benefits and cultural ecosystem services. Scientific Reports 9:14977.

Kundi M, Hutter H-P (2019): Die Gefahrenbeurteilung der Exposition von Kindern gegenüber elektrischen, magnetischen und elektromagnetischen Feldern. Umwelt und Gesundheit – wie sind die Perspektiven? umwelt – medizin gesellschaft 32(3):14-20.

Moshammer H, Wallner P, Hutter H-P (2019): Evaluating an 80 Hz tonal noise from a hydro-power plant. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 32(3):401-411.

Moshammer H, Khan A, Wallner P, Poteser M, Kundi M, Hutter H-P (2019): Validity of reported indicators of pesticide exposure and relevance for cytotoxic and genotoxic effects on buccal cells. Mutagenesis 34(2):147-152.

Damm L, Hutter H-P, Kundi K, Riedl S, Sax H, Weitensfelder L (2019): Kinderrechte im Gesundheitswesen – die Sicht der Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaften und der Patientenanwaltschaften in Österreich. Das Gesundheitswesen doi:10.1055/a-0881-9499.

Lemmerer K, Hutter H-P (2019): Neue Gesundheitsrisiken durch Neobiota? Pneumologie & HNO: 6-7.

Moshammer H, Hutter H-P (2019): Breast-feeding protects children from adverse effects of environmental tobacco smoke. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16:304.

Publikationen 2018

Hutter H-P, Kundi M, Lemmerer K, Poteser M, Weitensfelder L, Wallner P, Moshammer H (2018): Subjective symptoms of male workers linked to occupational pesticide exposure on coffee plantations in the Jarabacoa region, Dominican Republic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15:2099.

Hutter H-P, Moshammer H (2018): Pesticides are an occupational and public health issue. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15:1650.

Hutter H-P, Wali Khan A, Lemmerer K, Wallner P, Kundi M, Moshammer H (2018): Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of pesticide exposure in male coffee farmworkers of the Jarabacoa region, Dominican Republic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15:1641.

Wanka A, Wiesböck L, Allex B, Mayrhuber EAS, Arnberger A, Eder R, Kutalek R, Wallner P, Hutter H-P, Kolland F (2018): Everyday discrimination in the neighbourhood: what a ‘doing’ perspective on age and ethnicity can offer. Ageing & Society 39(9):2133-2158.

Arnberger A, Eder R, Allex B, Ebenberger M, Hutter H-P, Wallner P, Bauer N, Zaller JG, Frank T (2018): Health-related effects of short stays at mountain meadows, a river and an urban site – results from a field experiment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 15(12): E2647.

Schindler S, Rabitsch W, Essl F, Wallner P, Lemmerer K, Follak S, Hutter H-P (2018): Alien species and human health: Austrian stakeholder perspective on challenges and solutions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:15:2527.

Mayerhuber EAS, Dückers M, Wallner P, Arnberger A, Allex B, Wiesböck L, Wanka A, Kolland F Eder R, Hutter H-P, Kutalek R (2018): Vulnerability to heatwaves and implications for public health interventions - a scoping review. Environmental Research: 166:42-54.

Wanka A, Wiesböck L, Allex B, Mayerhuber EAS, Arnberger A, Eder R, Kutalek R, Wallner P, Hutter H-P, Kolland F (2018): Everyday discrimination in the neighbourhood: what a ‘doing’ perspective on age and ethnicity can offer. Ageing & Society. Published online: 15 May 2018

Wolkinger B, Haas W, Bachner G, Weisz U, Steininger K, Hutter H-P, Delcour J, Griebler R, Mittelbach B, Maier P, Reifeltshammer R (2018): Evaluating health co-benefits of climate change mitigation in urban mobility. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(5): 880.

Wallner P, Kundi M, Arnberger A, Eder R, Allex B, Weitensfelder L, Hutter H-P (2018): Reloading pupils’ batteries: impact of green spaces on cognition and wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 1205

Ausgewählte Literatur 2010–2017

Hutter H-P, Tappler P, Damberger B, Kundi M, Moshammer H, Wallner P (2017): Luftionen, Wohlbefinden und kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit: Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Doppelblindstudie mit Kindern. Gefahrenstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft 77(3):69-74.

Hutter H-P, Wallner P, Moshammer H, Marsh G (2016): Dust and cobalt levels in the Austrian tungsten industry: workplace and human biomonitoring data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health13:931.

Hutter H-P, Kundi M, Hohenblum P, Scharf S, Shelton JF, Piegler K, Wallner P (2016): A family experiment and biomonitoring study. Environmental Research pii: S0013-9351(16)30199-2.

Hutter H-P, Hohenblum P, Scharf S, Weiss S, Wallner P (2015): Levoglucosan in urine as marker of PAH exposure. Biomonitoring 2:16-18.

Hutter H-P, Kundi M, Moshammer H, Shelton J, Krüger B, Schicker I, Wallner P (2015): Replacing fossil diesel by biodiesel fuel – expected impact on health. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health 70(1):4-9.

Hutter H-P, Haluza D, Piegler K, Hohenblum P, Fröhlich M, Scharf S, Uhl M, Damberger B, Tappler P, Kundi M, Wallner P, Moshammer H (2013): Semivolatile compounds in schools and their influence on cognitive performance of children. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 26(4):1-8.

Hutter H-P, Wallner P (2013): Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Feinstaub in Österreich. Internistische Praxis 53(3):679-686.

Hutter H-P, Wallner P (2012): Luftverunreinigungen und Kindergesundheit. pädiatrie & pädologie 6/2012:18-21.

Hutter H-P, Ehrenhöfer L, Freuis E, Hartl P, Kundi M (2010): Poor-to-moderate agreement between self and proxy interviews of mobile phone use. Bioelectromagnetics 33:561-567.

Hutter H-P, Wallner P Kundi M, Krüger B, Schicker I, Moshammer H (2011): Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von Biodiesel in Österreich. Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten 37(12):503-512.

Hutter H-P, Wallner P (2011): Feinstaub und Ozon - Vernachlässigte Aspekte und überraschende Auswirkungen. Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxis 16(4):203-205.

Hutter H-P, Kundi M, Moshammer H, Haas W, Weisz U, Niederkrotenthaler Th, Wallner P (2011): Anpassungsmaßnahmen zur Reduktion von Klimawandel-induzierten Gesundheitsrisiken in Österreich: Schwerpunkt Extremwetterereignisse. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 3:164-171.

Hutter H-P, Moshammer H, Wallner P, Cartellieri M, Denk-Linnert D-M, Katzinger M, Ehrenberger K, Kundi M (2010): Tinnitus and mobile phone use. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 67(12):804-808.

Hutter H-P, Wallner P, Hartl W, Uhl M, Lorbeer G, Gminski R, Mersch-Sundermann V, Kundi M (2010): Higher blood concentrations of synthetic musks in women above fifty years than in younger women. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 213(2):124-130.

Co-Autor 2011 - 2017

Wallner P, Wanka A, Hutter H-P (2017): SUV driving “masculinizes” risk behavior in females: a public health challenge. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 129(17-18):625-629.

Wallner P, Tappler P, Muñoz U, Damberger B, Wanka A, Kundi M, Hutter H-P (2017): Health and wellbeing of occupants in highly energy efficient buildings: a field study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(3):314.

Arnberger A, Allex B, Eder R, Martin Ebenberger M, Wanka A, Kolland F, Wallner P, Hutter H-P (2017): Elderly resident’s uses of and preferences for urban green spaces during heat periods. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 21:105-117.

Wallner P, Kundi M, Hohenblum P, Scharf S, Hutter H-P (2016): Phthalate metabolites, consumer habits and health effects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(7):717.

Ekmekcioglu C, Wallner P, Kundi M, Weisz U, Haas W, Hutter H-P (2016): Red meat, diseases and healthy alternatives: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. Accepted.

Wallner P, Kundi M, Panny M, Tappler P, Hutter H-P (2015): Exposure to air ions in indoor environments: experimental study with healthy adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12:14301-14311.

Wallner P, Muñoz-Czerny U, Tappler P, Wanka A, Kundi M, Shelton JF, Hutter H-P (2015): Indoor environmental quality in mechanically ventilated, energy-efficient buildings vs. conventional buildings. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12(11):14132-14147.

Moshammer H, Kundi M, Wallner P, Herbst A, Feuerstein A, Hutter H-P (2015): Early prognosis of noise-induced hearing loss. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 72(2):85-89.

Wallner P, Hutter H-P, Moshammer H (2014): Worldwide associations between air quality and health end-points. Are they meaningful? International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 27(5):716-721.

Sadetzki S, Eastman Langer C, Bruchim R, Kundi M, Merletti F, Vermeulen R, Kromhout H, Lee A-K, Maslanyj M, Sim M, Taki M, Wiart J, Armstrong B, Milne E, Benke G, Schattner R, Hutter H-P, Woehrer A, Krewski D, Mohipp C, Momoli F, Ritvo P, Spinelli J, Lacour B, Delmas D, Remen t, Radon K, Weinmann T, Klostermann S, Heinrich S, Petridou E, Bouka E, Panagopoulou P, Dikshit R, Nagrani R, Even-Nir  H, Chetrit A, Maule M, Migliore E, Filippini G, Miligi L, Mattioli S, Yamaguchi N, Kojimahara N, Ha M, Choi K-H, Mannetje A, Eng A, Woodward A, Carretero G, Alguacil J, Aragones N, Suare-Varela MM, Goedhart G, Schouten-van Meeteren A, Reedijk A, Cardis E (2014): The MOBI-Kids study protocol: challenges in assessing childhood and adolescent exposure to electromagnetic fields from wireless telecommunication technologies and possible association with brain tumor risk. Frontiers in Public Health Sept 2014 Vol 2, Article 124.

Wanka A, Arnberger A, Allex B, Eder R, Hutter H-P, Wallner P (2014): The challenges posed by climate change to successful ageing. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 47(6):468-474.

Budzinski BI, Hutter H-P (2014): Mobilfunkschäden Ansichtssache? Höchste Zeit für Beweise statt Vermutungen. Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht 33(7):418-422.

Tappler P, Muñoz-Czerny U, Damberger B, Twrdik F, Ringer W, Hutter H-P (2014): Bewohnergesundheit und Raumluftqualität in neu errichteten, energieeffizienten Wohnhäusern. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 74(3):75-78.

Wallner P, Kundi M, Moshammer H, Scharf S, Schmutzer M, Weiss S, Hohenblum P, Hutter H-P (2013): Urinary levoglucosan levels in Austrian communities differing in agrarian quota: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 216(3):280-283.

Moshammer H, Hutter H-P, Kundi M (2013): Which metric of ambient ozone to predict daily mortality? Atmospheric Environment 65:171-176.

Damm L, Hutter H-P (2012): Integration und Schulgesundheit aus Child Public Health-Sicht: Neue Perspektiven für chronisch kranke, beeinträchtigte oder behinderte Kinder. Integrationsjournal 6:81-86.

Wallner P, Kundi M, Moshammer H, Piegler K, Hohenblum P, Scharf S, Fröhlich M, Damberger B, Tappler P, Kociper K, Hutter H-P (2012): Indoor air in schools and lung function of Austrian school children. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14(7):1976-1982.

Hohenblum P, Steinbichl P, Raffesberg W, Weiss S, Moche W, Vallant B, Scharf S, Haluza D, Moshammer H, Kundi M, Wallner P, Piegler B, Hutter H-P (2012): Pollution gets personal! A first population-based human biomonitoring study in Austria. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 215(1):176-179.

Tappler P, Wallner P, Moshammer H, Hutter H-P (2011): Österreichische Strategie zur sensorischen Bestimmung und Bewertung von Gerüchen in Innenräumen. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 71(10):440-444.

Hochgatterer K, Hutter H-P, Moshammer H, Angerschmid C (2011): Lung function of dust-exposed workers. Pneumologie 65: 459-464.