Block 6 — Der Mensch in Umwelt, Familie und Gesellschaft
Duration in weeks: 3
Duration in working days: 15
Supervised classes:
39 academic hours of lectures
11 interactive case discussions
12 academic hours of small group instruction
1 academic hour of additional self-study
Attention. Teaching/learning scenarios (interactive case discussion) in Block 6: see learning materials under this title.
General Training Objective:
After content that tends to be detail science-centered, the goal is to synthesize what has been learned so far in the first year of study into a synthesis of ecological, human science, psychological, and humanities content. The knowledge, attitudes, and mindsets associated with this synthesis are intended to lay an intellectual foundation for clinical thought and action as it is increasingly taught in the following sections of the program. Specifically, the fundamentals of the external causes of disease as well as the evolutionary-biological, psychological, social, gender-specific and transcultural conditionality of health and disease and family medicine are to be taught. Last but not least, the individual medical attitude shall be promoted by motivation and sensitization for ethical questions.
Coordinator: Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula KUNZE
Consultation hours: by telephone arrangement (Tel.: 01-40160-34887)
Contact person: Marina RADOSAVLJEVIC;
Contact person for routine questions. (tel. no. 01 40160 34888)
Essential learning materials
Wittmann, K. J., Schoberberger R. (Eds.) (2016): Man in environment, family and society. Facultas Verlag, Vienna. ISBN 978-3-7089-1399-5, 12th modified and expanded edition.
Supplementary learning materials
Fiedler K., M. Wilhelm (2011): Hygiene/preventive medicine/environmental medicine systematic. UNI-Med Publishers: ISBN 978-3-8374-1180-5.
Flamm, H. & M. Rotter (1999): Applied hygiene in hospital and medical practice. W. Maudrich Publishers. ISBN 3-85175-714-9.
Kunze, U. (2004): Preventive medicine, epidemiology, social medicine. Facultas Verlag, Vienna. ISBN 3-85076-680-2; 3rd ed.
Sonneck, G., O. Frischenschlager, M. Hexel, B. Hladischik, U. Kropiunigg, I. Pucher, M. Schjerve & K. Spiess (2002): Medical psychology. A guide for study and practice. Facultas Verlag, Vienna.
Trautwein A., U Kreibig, J. Hüttermann (2008): Physics for physicians, biologists, pharmacists. Walter de Gruyter Publishers. 466 S. ISBN 978-3-11-019792-1.
Exemplary exam questions
Exemplary exam questions - block 6 (PDF document,)
eResources to browse
Fundamentals of Epidemiology Link:
Direct link:
Translated with (free version)
Contact Ursula KUNZE
KoordinatorinTel.: +43 (0)1 40160-34887
Consultation hours: by telephone arrangement
Marina Radosavljevic
AnsprechpartnerinTel.: +43 (0)1 40160-34888