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Department of Health Economics (DHE)

Further language developments, validation and adaptation of the OxCAP-MH capability well-being instrument

Dates: ongoing since 2014
Kooperationspartner: multiple
Information: Judit Simon (PI), Agata Łaszewska, Timea Helter

The OxCAP-MH (Oxford CAPabilities questionnaire-Mental Health) is a multi-dimensional, self-reported instrument developed collaboratively for outcome measurement in mental health research as part of the OCTET study in the UK based on Sen's capability approach. Professor Judit Simon is the main author and guardian of the instrument that is freely available to use for capability well-being measurement following registration via the Medical University of Vienna. Following the initial instrument development, further projects took place to develop other language versions (e.g. German, Hungarian, Chinese, Luganda, etc.), validate the instrument for different patient populations (e.g. mental health services users, depression), use it for economic evaluation purposes (e.g. PreDicT project), or adapt it for suitability for wide international use (v2020). Relevant developmental and analytical works contributed also to two doctoral theses at the Medical University of Vienna.


Study: Does the relative importance of the OxCAP-MH’s capability items differ according to mental ill-health experience?

Dates: 2019-2022
Collaborator(s): Division of Social Psychiatry, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged Department of Health Economics; Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary
Information: Timea Helter, Judit Simon

Some capability dimensions may be more important than others in determining someone’s well-being, and these preferences might be dependent on ill-health experience. This study aimed to explore the relative preference weights of the 16 items of the German and Hungarian language version of the OxCAP-MH and their differences across cohorts with alternative levels of mental ill-health experience. Best–Worst-Scaling (BWS) surveys were conducted in Austria and Hungary among 1) psychiatric patients (direct mental ill-health experience), 2) (mental) healthcare experts (indirect mental ill-health experience), and 3) primary care patients with no mental ill-health experience. Relative importance scores for each item of the OxCAP-MH instrument were calculated using Hierarchical Bayes estimation.
