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Interdisciplinary webinar on post-acute infection syndromes incl. ME/CFS

Department of Primary Care Medicine

Interdisciplinary webinar on post-acute infection syndromes including ME/CFS and their differentiation from F diagnoses

Date: 23.05.2024

Time: 17.00 - 19.15 hrs

Venue: WebEx, link will be sent after registration

Language: German

Post-acute infection syndromes (PAIS) and their most severe form with postexertional malaise (PEM), myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), are somatic multisystem diseases whose incidence has increased significantly and continues to rise due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the continued lack of preventive measures such as clean indoor air.

However, since post-acute infection syndromes have been criminally neglected in medicine in recent decades, many doctors, but also other health and social professions, find it difficult to correctly diagnose them clinically, differentiate them from F diagnoses and correctly classify comorbidities.

This webinar will provide assistance in this regard.

This webinar is organized in cooperation with the Austrian Society for ME/CFS (ÖG ME/CFS).

The ÖG ME/CFS is an Austrian patient organization that advocates for ME/CFS patients and their rights. It was founded in 2017 by patients for patients and offers a platform for information, exchange and support. In its public relations and political work, the ÖG ME/CFS focuses on education, recognition and research.


17.00 - 17.10: Welcome (Kathryn Hoffmann)

17.10 - 17.30: Introduction PAIS and ME/CFS: Correct diagnosis (Michael Stingl)

17:30 - 18:00: PAIS incl. ME/CFS and their differentiation from F diagnoses: criteria and experiences from psychiatry (Florian Buchmayer)

18:00 - 18:30: PAIS incl. ME/CFS and its differentiation from F diagnoses: Clinical-psychological and neuropsychological aspects in diagnostics (Markus Gole)

18:30 - 19:00: Psychotherapy for PAIS incl. ME/CFS (Bettina Grande)

19:00 - 19:15: Closing (Kathryn Hoffmann)

Prim. Dr. Florian Buchmayer is Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy in Eisenstadt, Austria, and founder of the LEBEN PSYCHE Center in Vienna. He integrates interdisciplinary approaches to mental health. His academic training in psychoanalysis and medical law reflect his commitment to clinical excellence and ethical practice. Dr. Buchmayer's significant research in the field of psychopharmacology and the biological basis of psychiatric disorders underscores his contribution to psychiatric innovation and education.

Dr. Dr. Markus Gole is a clinical psychologist and philosopher in private practice in Linz/Austria and a lecturer in biological psychology at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. He is the author of several scientific works (including philosophy of mind, clinical and health psychology, affective neuroscience) and a book on the interface between psychology and philosophy. In his clinical work, he specializes in the (neuro-)psychological assessment and treatment of post-COVID syndrome and ME/CFS.

Dipl.-Psych. Bettina Grande, psychological psychotherapist, psychoanalyst. Clinically active in psychiatric wards, including setting up and managing a mother-child ward. Now specializing in post-COVID and ME/CFS. Together with Michael Stingl, among others, position paper on the "Role of psychotherapy in the care of ME/CFS". Educational work (lectures, seminars) on post-COVID and ME/CFS. Memberships in the doctors' network of the German Society for ME/CFS, Long COVID Doctors' Association Germany, among others.

Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Kathryn Hoffmann, MPH is Professor of Primary Care Medicine, General Practitioner and Public Health Scientist. She heads the Department of Primary Care Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, Center for Public Health. As a physician, university professor and scientist, her focus is on the care of patients with post-acute infectious syndromes including ME/CFS, as well as teaching and international education and research.

Dr. Michael Stingl is a Neurologist and pioneer in the field of multisystemic ME/CFS in Austria. He has many years of experience in the treatment of patients with ME/CFS and now also with post-COVID syndrome. He is involved in relevant studies, publications and training activities worldwide.




Please register at the following link:

After registration, you will be sent the WebEx link for the online webinar (one week before the event and again the day before as a reminder).

Participation in this event is accredited with 2 CME by the Vienna Medical Association and is also recognized as continuing education by the BÖP.