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Final report of the study on female genital mutilation

The final report of the study on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Austria, which was conducted on behalf of the Federal Chancellery, was…

Calling for papers - BJPsych Open

BJPsych Open is calling for papers for a new themed series in 2024/25 related to Mental Health Economics with Judit Simon as Editor. Closing date for…

INFO SEMINAR "UN790 Doctoral Program Epidemiology"

Dear colleagues and potential future students,

we are pleased to invite you to the Info Seminar “UN790 Doctoral Program Epidemiology”, which will…

New Publication on the topic "Pet Attachment and Anxiety & Depression"

The study "Pet Attachment and Anxiety and Depression in Middle-Aged and Older Women" from the Department of Epidemiology (Magdalena Żebrowska, et…

New publication

The PECUNIA Consortium is pleased to announce that our research led by the Department of Health Economics at the Medical University of Vienna on a new…

Open Position - Senior Scientist in Health Economics

The Department of Health Economics (DHE) is looking for a Senior Scientist. For more information visit:

Link to job ad

DHE team presents at the EuHEA 2024 conference

The DHE team will give oral presentations at the EuHEA 2024 conference in Vienna (2024 Jul 1-3).

For more details please visit the website of the

Best Abstract Award für Tobias Schiffler und Kolleg:innen für „CoMitMent-Projekt“

Tobias Schiffler vom Zentrum für Public Health der MedUni Wien wurde gemeinsam mit seinen Projekt-Kolleg:innen Christopher Tupy und Lisa Kainzbauer…

Vortragsreihe "Cancer School" der MedUni Wien

As part of the "Cancer School" lecture series at the Medical University of Vienna an exciting topic "Environment, Lifestyle and Cancer" took place on…