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KPJ General Medicine Summer Party 2023

Many thanks

once again to all the guests for the nice evening with good conversations as well as one or the other amusing review and for the general practice hopeful outlook for the future!

Thanks to:

  • all students
  • all KPJ teaching coordinations
  • all hospitation organizations
  • all participants of the MA24 of the city of Vienna
  • all participants of the ÖGK
  • all participants of the Medical Association Vienna
  • all participants of the MedUni Vienna

We are already looking forward to the next years, in which we would like to further expand the KPJ Excellence Program together and we would like to tailor it even better to the needs of the students, the future family doctors (soon: specialists in general and family medicine)!
All photos can be found at the following link:

KPJ General Medicine Summer Party 2023 | MedUni Vienna