Establishing a reference unit costs catalogue for the optimized evaluation and planning of mental healthcare in Vienna
Laufzeit: 2023–2025
Finanzierung: WWTF (Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds)
Kooperationspartner: Universidad Loyola Andaluciá, ES; Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment, AT; Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, AT
Advisory Board: Link zum Advisory Board (SAB)
Information: Judit Simon (PI), Michael Berger (Co-PI), Susanne Mayer (Co-PI), Lazo Ilic, Sophie Diexer
Fast jede:r fünfte Österreicher:in leidet an psychischen Problemen, viele mit zusätzlichen körperlichen Beschwerden. Diesen komplexen Behandlungsbedarf abzudecken, ist eine zentrale Herausforderung für das öffentliche Gesundheitssystem. Die spürbaren Auswirkungen demografischer und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit für leicht zugängliche und besser verzahnte Gesundheitsleistungen.
Das multidisziplinäre Projekt STREAMLINE setzt mit der Entwicklung und Veröffentlichung eines international vergleichbaren, verschiedene Sektoren umfassenden Katalogs an Gesundheitsleistungen für psychisch Erkrankte und entsprechenden Standardkosten in Wien einen ersten Schritt zur nachhaltigen Gestaltung und Finanzierung des österreichischen Gesundheitssystems. Mit STREAMLINE wird ermöglicht, wissensbasiert über die Verwendung begrenzter finanzieller Mittel zu entscheiden, um Patient:innen die bestmögliche Behandlung zu gewährleisten.
Simon J. Health economics and services research in symbiosis: STREAMLINEing mental health services in Austria. 17th European Public Health Conference 2024. Sailing the waves of European public health: exploring a sea of innovation; 2024 Nov 15-17; Lisbon (poster)
Simon J. Assessing the value of mental health treatments for youth in Europe. 32nd European congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2024); 2024 Apr 6-9; Budapest (invited talk)
Simon J. Latest methodological developments in the value assessment of mental health care. 23rd WPA World Congress of Psychiatry; 2023 Sep 28-Oct 1; Vienna (invited talk)
STREAMLINE is one of eight WWTF-funded public health projects that runs between 01.04.2023 and 30.06.2023. The aim of the project is to facilitate future optimised and better integrated service provision, financing and evaluation for people with mental health diseases in Vienna.
A multi-disciplinary research team from the Department of Health Economics, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna (lead), Austrian Public Health Institute, Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment and University of Loyola (Spain) will look at the availability, activity and affordability of existing treatment, care and support services for children, youth and adults in the health and social care sectors, in the education, employment and justice systems and those for patients and their carers locally.
Following standardised mapping and reference unit cost development for the identified services, evidence-informed policy recommendations for future planning and reimbursement will be drawn.
STREAMLINE is supported by a large multi-stakeholder Advisory Board including providers, payers, decision makers and persons with lived experiences either as patients or carers.
The SAB Kick-off meeting took place on the 13 June 2023 with a focus on presenting the background, aims and work plan of the project.