Bridging Information and Data Generation for Evidence-based Health Policy and Research

Laufzeit: 2015–2017
Finanzierung: EC 3rd Health Programme
Kooperationspartner: HS&I HealthSystemIntelligence,
Information: Judit Simon (co-PI), Nataša Perić
BRIDGE Health aimed to prepare the transition towards a sustainable and integrated EU health information system for both public health and research purposes. The project bridged the best of EU projects in domains of population and health system monitoring, indicator development, health examination surveys, environment and health, population injury and disease registries, clinical and administrative health data collection systems and methods of health systems monitoring and evaluation. In collaboration with HS&I HealthSystemIntelligence, the DHE led WP12 related to the “evaluation of health care systems”. The aim was to produce blueprints of key health system indicators and data, project outcomes and performance assessment frameworks based on the Health Data Navigator.
- Hofmarcher MM, Perić N, Simon J. (2017) Headline indicators for structured monitoring of health system performance in Europe. Eurohealth, 23(4): 11-15
- Bogaert P, Van Oyen H for BRIDGE Health (Hofmarcher M M, Simon J, Perić N) (2017). HIREP-ERIC: A research infrastructure to advance public health monitoring and research on health and care. Technical and Scientific Description, BRIDGE Health Technical Report 03/2017, Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, March 2017.
- Zander, B, Busse, R (2017). Is there enough research output of EU projects available to assess and improve health system performance? An attempt to understand and categorise the output of EU projects conducted between 2002 and 2012. Health Research Policy and Systems, 15(1), 13. DOI: 10.1186/s12961-016-0165-5
- Bogaert P, Van Oyen H for BRIDGE Health (Hofmarcher M M, Simon J) (2017). An ERIC on Health Information for Research and Evidence-based Policy for targeted investments in people's health and wealth, BRIDGE Health policy paper, Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, January 2017.
- Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M, Perić N, Simon J (2017): Schlüsselindikatoren für eine strukturierte Bewertung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Gesundheitssystemen in Europa: ein Fortschrittsbericht des EU Projekts BRIDGE Health. ÖGPH Newsletter March 2017
- Hofmarcher M M, Perić N, Simon J on behalf of the BRIDGE Health working group for horizontal activity 6 (2017). Priority setting methods in health information, BRIDGE Health Technical Report 04/2017 on Recommendations of priority setting methods for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium on Health Information for Research and Evidence-based policy (HIREP-ERIC), HS&I and Medical University of Vienna, April 2017.
- Perić N, Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M, Simon J (2017): Health system performance assessment landscape at the EU level: A focused synthesis of actors and actions. Archives of Public Health, 75(5). DOI: 10.1186/s13690-016-0173-5.
- Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M M, Perić N, Simon J, Joas A, Bogaert P (2016) Priority setting methods and transferability in health information. Adjacent Government.
- Hofmarcher-Holzhacker M, Simon J, Perić N (2015). Kick off neue Projekte – BRIDGE Health: Bridging Information and Data Generation for Evidence-based Health Policy and Research. ÖGPH Newsletter September 2015, pp. 11-12.