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Profil Manfred Hecking

Abteilung für Epidemiologie

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Manfred Hecking, PhD

Wissenschaftlicher Projektleiter

Tel.: +43 (0)1 40160-34700

Medizinische Universität Wien
Zentrum für Public Health
Abteilung für Epidemiologie
Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1. Stock, Raum 108
1090 Wien

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med Manfred Hecking, PhD

Born in 1973, Manfred Hecking studied music and medicine in Berlin and worked professionally as a classical double bass player until 2006 (member of the Munich Philharmonic from 1999-2001 and of the Vienna State Opera / Vienna Philharmonic from 2001-2006), which also included active chamber music making. After completing a summa cum laude doctorate on 7D-cadherins (Charité Berlin) and part-time research work under Marcus Säemann (MedUni Vienna), Hecking switched to medicine by enrolling as a PhD student in Maria Sibilia's lab. He went on to train in internal medicine at the nephrology department of MedUni Vienna, where he completed his habilitation and became a senior physician and an associated professor. In summer 2023, Hecking became medical director of a large kidney center (dialysis and outpatient clinic) at the "Kuratorium for Dialysis and Transplantation" (KfH) e.V. in Bavaria. Since then, he continued his scientific work by leading a collaboration between KfH and MedUni Vienna's Center for Public Health. Hecking's clinical research focuses on post-transplant diabetes and kidney replacement therapy, particularly fluid management in dialysis patients and gender differences in kidney disease. Several of his now >100 publications have received national and international awards. Hecking leads - in a flat hierarchy and supported by WWTF, FWF and KfH - a scientific group with a wide range of content and personnel:
After formally leaving the orchestra, Manfred Hecking continued to work regularly as a musical substitute and chamber musician. He also became a founding member and partner of Sounds & Science: