» Channing Division of Network Medicine
The Channing Division of Network Medicine is located in the Channing Laboratory on 181 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA. It is one of Harvard’s foremost multidisciplinary research institutions. The Chronic Disease Epidemiology section, led by Dr. Meir Stampfer, is divided into several programs, including Dr. Schernhammer’s Circadian Epidemiology program, with significant overlap of both research and support staff. The Nurses’ Health Study is the longest-running and largest cohort study of risk factors for chronic diseases – such as cancer and diabetes – among women; it is one of three similar cohort studies currently conducted at the Channing Laboratory.
» Austrian Scientists and Scholars in North America
ASciNA is an independent network and intellectual home of Austrian scientists from various disciplines. Dr. Schernhammer was co-founder of the network (2001) and between 2005 and 2008 served as president for the more than 1000 ASciNA members across North America.
» Applied Biomarkers in Cancer Epidemiology EPI246
The focus of this course, which is taught biannually by Drs. Schernhammer and Eliassen at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, is on application and interpretation of cancer studies using biomarkers. Topics include biomarkers of exposure, biomarkers related to metabolism/activation and other biological pathways, intermediate/surrogate endpoints, markers of early cancer detection and prognosis.