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Add-on APRES Studie

The knowledge about antibiotics of patients in primary health care in Austria (Add-on APRES-Studie)

Projektleitung und Koordination für Österreich: PD Kathryn Hoffmann, MPH; Prof. Dr. Manfred Maier
Projektmitarbeiter: Lukas Heschl, Dominik Stelzer

The special Eurobarometer 2010 report on antimicrobial resistance included a survey assessing how knowledgeable Europeans are about antibiotics and their effects. With 1.9 out of four correct answers Austria was together with Romania, Portugal and Hungary ranked at the end of the EU27- countries. Based on these alarming results it was the aim of this study to repeat this survey for Austria including the analysis of demographic characteristics of patients and General Practitioners to assess possible predictors for the outcome.
